NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "The Archangel Michael is with me and helps me to shed my fears and walk forward fearlessly."

Salutations, my lovelies.

The Archangel Michael, whose name means, "Who is like God," is the most commonly known Archangel, and is mentioned in  religious literature more than any other Archangel.  Because of this, we call upon him more than any other Archangel.

Michael is well known for his Sword of Flame.  He is an angelic warrior who protects us on all levels:  mental/psychic, spiritual, emotional, and physical.  He works with, and is part of the Angelic group of Warrior Angels (also known as The Powers).  We can call upon him any time to combat negative forces that march against us.

He is less well known for his other attributes which include helping those with terminal illnesses, dedication to our beliefs, and infusing us with motivation to move forward against all odds.

Michael provides us with inner strength, and sometimes physical strength if it is needed.  He lends us courage and faith, and gives us insight and guidance in recalling the essence of our true selves, our inner truth, and our life's path.

He relieves fear and helps us to overcome fear.  He helps us to look within the fear to discover exactly what is causing us to fear, and once we recognize it for what it is, he moves us forward beyond the fear into healing and acceptance.

He is particularly helpful with our nightmares-dreams steeped in what we fear.  He helps us to deconstruct them to understand exactly what the fear is, and he helps us to move beyond them.

Michael is surrounded by an aura of royal blue and royal purple.  The stone most associated with him is sugalite.

A message from Michael:

"The time is now to let go of your fear.  Fear serves no higher purpose.  What fear does is lock you into inactivity and non productivity.  Fear is the great paralyzer.  More actions and ideas have been stopped because of  man's fear. 

Man needs to recognize that fear is negative in nature and is generated from his deep seated insecurity and lack of confidence in himself.  Fear is responsible for more tragedy and death than any other emotion.  Fear causes war.  Fear causes destruction.  Fear causes man to attack himself and others. 

There is no good reason for man to fear.  Man is completely surrounded with Angelic beings who love and support him and are always there to move man forward beyond his fear.

What we have always known about man is that man is new to the life experience, and that he faces the unknown every day, and instead of moving forward with confidence, he becomes stymied with this specific fear.  This fear of the unknown causes him to falsely believe that he is incapable of moving forward beyond the fear into action against it.

My dear people, abandon you fear.  Seek Angelic counsel.  Call upon us to reveal the truth in all things.  We are always everpresent to show you the way, the secret passageways through fear and into the  promised land  of what is waiting for you, success, happiness, love, and completion of your earthly lessons.

It is our goal, those of us in the Realm of the Archangels, to provide ;you with every aspect of guidance and knowledge to dispel the darkness in you minds and hearts.  We do this out of love for you.  You are our charge, and we vigilantly and diligently pursue this duty.  Our motives are pure, by a love of humanity.

Never fear or hesitate to call upon us in time of darkness or light.  We will always be near you, encouraging you, even pushing you forward beyond your conceptions of what is to be feared.

Fear is not real.  It does not exist in the world, it only exists in man's mind.  For man to proceed and learn all that is waiting to be learned, for man to proceed and enjoy the many gifts of Heaven, man must abandon fear and turn to the Universal Source which is entirely Pure Love.  In Pure Love no fear can exist.  It is impossible.

So, dear friends, Turn to the Celestial Realm, and ask for help in dispelling fear.  So much joy and happiness and reward awaits you.  Heaven wants you to enjoy all of the gifts it has for you, but you must shed fear and move forward confidently through your own darkness, into the light of Heaven.  Embrace a path free of obstructions and know without a doubt, that we, all of us in the great celestial realm, in the realm of Heaven, that we support you and your human learning, and your achievement of lessons.

Be blessed always, for you are always blessed.  In the sight of God, you are holy for you are made in the spiritual image of that which is pure and loving.

Peace be with you now and forever.  We, all, love you and are with you.

Omain, my children."

Willingly and Lovingly channeled for you from Archangel Michael this morning,


Friday, August 30, 2013

Today's Affirmation:   "The Archangel Jophiel is with me and helps me to see the beauty around me and within me."

Good morning, everyone!

The Archangel Jophiel is feminine energy.  Her name means, "Beauty of God."  Her color is dark pink, and she is associated with any stone that is dark pink in color, for example, tourmaline or rhodachrocite. 

Archangel Jophiel is the angel of the Garden of Eden.  She is the Archangel of art and beauty.  She is also a member of the angelic group called "The Sisterhood," the only angelic group that consists solely of feminine energy. 

Jophiel helps us create and enhance the beauty in our lives, thoughts, surroundings.  She helps us to look through the darkness and see beauty in all things.  She provides us with the resources to create beauty around us and manifest our creative ideas.

She is also the Archangel we can turn to when our lives are moving too fast and we need to slow down our pace and relax.  She helps us recognize that all is happening as it should, and that we need to get out of our own way and let the Universe do its job for us. 

She helps us bring more joy and laughter into our lives as well.  She helps us to see the lighter side of things and ourselves.  Jophiel also is instrumental in assisting us with understanding who we are and accepting who we are-both the good and the not so good.  She guides us to a stronger connection with our higher selves and provides flashes of insight and clarity.

You may recognize that some of Jophiel's characteristics sound very much like whom the Greeks referred to as "The Muses".    This is true.  In ancient times, she was considered one of the Muses, one of the goddesses of creative inspiration.  Which one specifically, we do not know, perhaps it was she only and the Greeks simply saw the different sides of creative expression and interpreted it as numerous goddesses instead of just one goddess/angel.

Jophiel says,

"Greetings, my dears, from the angelic realm of the Sisterhood.  We are ever present in your lives, inspiring you to create beauty.  We set the seeds of creative thought into motion and help you to manifest them into reality.  We are primarily concerned with providing you with a vision of loveliness in your lives. 

It is our intention to for you to seek out beauty wherever and when ever you can.  There is darkness and ugliness, surely, but there is also beauty, and it is on this that we want you to focus.

Always look for the beauty on yourselves and in the world around you.

There is as much beauty in a bird of flight or an opening flower or a seaside landscape as there is in an artful masterpiece.

We counsel you, see beauty.  Create beauty.  Lighten your heart by seeing the beauty in yourselves.  Release self condemnation and criticism and look for the wonder in who you are.

Spend time searching for what is beautiful and bring it into your lives.  Clean the dust from your home and reorganize clutter in your workspace.  Put all things in order, for in order, there is beauty.

We leave you with  final message from our realm of angelic beings:  Love is most beautiful.  As you seek out beauty around you, see most of all for and create love, live in a space of openheartednesss.  In this way, you create a loving environment and that in itself is beautiful. 

Go in peace always with the love of our sisterhood to nurture and enrich your lives.  We are always with you, and you  may call upon us, any of us, at any time.  We are always ready to assist man with hi fulfilling his creative endeavors and living life in a more beautiful way.

Peace be with you.  Many blessings always.  In love and Divine Lights.  Now and always."

Love and Light,

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "The Archangel Chamuel helps me to open my heart and release the anger, bitterness, and resentment toward those that I love.  He help me to heal my emotional hurt and enhance the love in all my relationships."

There are so many archangels within the Archangel Realm, yet few of us really know them and how they can help us. 

The Archangels are loving beings and are always ready to help us with whatever issues we need help with.  They are a valuable source of strength and protection and wisdom.  But the Archangels will never interfere in our process unless we invite them in.  We need to give them permission to intercede for us and help us.

Yesterday, I wrote about the Realm of the Archangels and told you a little about the Archangel Gabriel.

Today, I would like to introduce you to the Archangel Chamuel.  His name, in Hebrew, means He who sees/seeks God. 

The Archangel Chamuel's energy is masculine energy, and the color associated with him is green.

Chamuel is the embodiment of pure love.  This Archangel comes to us when we are having difficulty with our emotional issues and with intimate relationship issues.  He can soothe broken hearts, help us make peace with our emotions, and provide support in times of difficulties in our relationships..  Chamuel is the one to turn to in our search for our soul mates.  He can provide insight into understanding our relationships with others, and is particularly helpful with parent/child relationships.

Chamuel can teach us about unconditional love-about giving of ourselves and giving from our hearts without expecting anything in return.  He also helps us with accepting love when it is given.  He can help us open our hearts and heal past emotional hurts.  He also provides relief for hopelessness and despair and depression.

When calling upon the Archangel Chamuel, focus on your heart.  Close your eyes, breathe, feel your heart opening, for it is in your heart that the Archangel Chamuel resides.  Ask him to show you the the way through your difficult relationship or to help you enhance the loving relationships that you have with others.

Here is a little invocation/prayer that you can say to connect with Chamuel.

"Dear and loving Archangel Chamuel,
          Thank you for all of the love I have known in my life.  Thank you for all of the relationships that have enriched me and taught me valuable lessons.  Help  me to keep my heart open and accept the love of others.  Help me to give love in return.  Help me to release any bitterness or resentment in my heart toward those I love.  Help me to see the good hearts of those I love.  Surround me with your unconditional love and protect me from those who would break my heart.  Keep me safe  from hopelessness and despair. 
          I ask this in the name of All that is good and true and pure in the Universe, for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned."

Of course, your words do not have to be identical to the ones above, but if you just open your heart and speak from your heart, you can feel confident that the Archangel Chamuel will hear you and immediately come to your side.

Here is a channeled message from the Archangel Chamuel.

"Dear and loving hearts-

I am the Archangel Chamuel.  I am always here for you to learn the ways of unconditional love.    Love is not complicated in its essence.  Yet man constantly wants to complicate love by attaching conditions upon it.  "I will only love you if...."  "If you love me, then you will..."  This is not love, this is insecurity and fear. 

Real love generates from deep within your own heart.  It is first the loving acceptance of yourself.  Flaws and all.  Humans are on a learning journey, and Heaven understands how difficult his lessons can sometimes be. 

We, within the realm of the archangels are always here for you to help you and to guide you and show the way through darkness into light.  Call upon us .  Let us help you with your earthly journey.  We love you always and only have your highest and greatest good in our own hearts.  Peace be with you always and may your way be clear and your heart open. 

In the name of Goodness, we leave you with this final loving message:  Practice love.  Practice unconditional love.  And you be gifted with unconditional love of others.  Remember the Universal Source has nothing but love for you.  Focus on this.  Remember this and go forth in love.  You are blessed always. So it is, so it was, so it always shall be.  "

With Love and Light Always,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "The Archangels are here to help me.  I call upon them in time of need."

The Heavens are filled with angelic beings.  One group of angels in the Angelic Realm is the Archangels. 

Unlike our Guardian Angels who stand by our sides every moment of every day, the Archangels wait in the background until we need their assistance.

The role of the Archangels is to not only provide strong protection when we are in great danger, but to help us learn our earthly lessons.

Most people are familiar with only a few Archangels:  Michael, the protector; Gabriel, the bringer of news and messages; Raphael, the healer; and Uriel, the problem solver.  But these four are certainly not the only Archangels in the Archangel Realm.  There are many, many more.  Some of these are known by name, and others, many others, remain unnamed because they never had names.

Archangels do not have gender like we have gender, but most people consider them as masculine entities.  Not all Archangels are masculine energy, some are feminine energy.  What determines this angelic "gender" is the rate of the vibrational frequency of their energy.  Deeper, lower frequencies are perceived as masculine, while higher, lighter frequencies are perceived as feminine.

Our perceptions of angels in general, and Archangels specifically, have been strongly shaped by pre-Renaissance and Renaissance (specifically Italian Renaissance)artwork.  Much of  this art work was Christian in nature, and depicts Archangels as masculine. This is understandable since Christianity is a masculine governed religion-giving authority solely to males and making women subservient to male authority.  These perceptions need to be revised and Archangels need to be considered in a more open minded view.

Consider the Archangel Gabriel.  Gabriel has always been depicted as a masculine energy.  In Christianity, he is best well known for announcing to Mary that she will conceive the Son of God.  Gabriel also announces to Anne, Mary's sister, that she too will give birth to a son even though she is far past child-bearing years.

BUT consider this: If women and children and childbirth are women's provinces, why would a masculine energy be the one to make a visitation?  A just question.

Here is the answer:  The energy of the Archangel Gabriel is actually feminine in nature, and Gabirel is not Gabriel at all, she's Gabriel (pronounced Gabrielle). 

I know this information may run contrary to everything that we've been taught, but it is true.  Gabriel not only made announcements of conception, she protected women during childbirth, an uncertain and many times, dangerous, enterprise.  She provided comfort during labor and provided protection for both mother and child after childbirth.  In the event of birthing tragedies, Gabriel would comfort the mother and carry the soul of the child back to the Universal Source. 

Here is more about the Archangel Gabriel:  Not only does Gabriel bring Divine message from the Universal Source, she also counsels, comforts, and guides women in feminine issues and children.  She helps with understanding our dreams, helps us with fighting against negative thoughts, and helps us to overcome our fear.  She brings us Divine visions and prophesies, particularly of life altering changes.  She helps us to find our true calling in life, and helps us feel safe and confident in our own personal power. She also assists with healing damage caused in childhood.  In addition to being a part of the Archangel Realm, Gabriel is also part of another angelic group called The Sisterhood (also known as The Virtues)-the only angelic group made up of solely feminine energy. 

The Realm of Angels is vast and embodies many kinds of angels.  These angelic beings are here for us.  To guide us, protect us, help us with our human endeavors. 

What they desire is a more intimate relationship with us-to communicate with us more deeply, to work with us more intimately, to guide us more effectively.   They desire for us to open our conscious awareness and be more receptive to angelic energy and insight.

So, for today, consider the Realm of Angels. Invite an Angel into your life and watch your life experience become enriched by their Divine Goodness.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Affirmations for Today
 "My animal spirit guide travels with me wherever I go.  He/She guides me and protects me." 
 "I call upon the spiritual energy of the (fill in your animal here).  (Fill in animal here) helps me to better understand myself, my life's path, and the energy it embodies."
There are many cultures that recognize the role that animals play in our lives.  These cultures have watched the animal world and made observations about the nature of each animal.  They have observed how they hunt, hide, build their homes, create communities, attract a mate, protect their young, and survive in the wild. 
These observations led each culture to identify the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each animal.  They then would draw from or call upon the powerful energy of the animal to help them, guide them, and share their wisdom.  The Native Americans called this powerful energy-medicine. 
The animal kingdom has much to share with us.  They enrich our lives, expand our experiences, bring us wisdom, and show us in which direction we should be or should not be going.  If we could access their knowledge and their energy, we could add another, deeper dimension to our personal and spiritual growth. 
But how do we access the realm of animal spirits?  Try this:
Sit quietly with your hands in your lap and your feet flat on the floor.  Close your eyes, relax, and breath-in through your nose and out through your mouth. Clear your mind of mind-chatter.
Next, ask the Universe to show you the animal spirit that can best assist you on your current path.  Say something like this, "I ask the Universe to provide guide and insight through the animal kingdom.  I am open to accepting the identity and help of my animal spirit guide."
Then sit patiently and wait.  An image should come to you.  Let the image develop in your mind.  As the image forms, bring it into focus. 
Don't question whether it is the right image.  Don't question whether or not you are making it up.  Just accept that the Universe has chosen this animal spirit especially for you because this animal has the knowledge, experience, and power to guide you.
Let the animal spirit that has come to you, reveal something special about itself.  Let it take you wherever you need to go.  Follow it.  Trust its instinct.  Listen to its message.  You may not hear words necessarily, but you may get a sense of knowing.
When you are certain that your encounter with your animal spirit is done, thank the animal spirit for revealing itself to you.
Say something like, "I thank the spirit of the (fill in animal here) for introducing itself to me.    I accept its guidance and wisdom.  I am grateful for any lessons the (animal) can teach me."
Then take a deep breath and open your eyes.
You may notice that in the following days, you may see the animal in your dreams or in magazines or on television. This is just a reinforcement for you that the animal you encountered is with you.
O.K. so how do you process the information?  What does it all mean?  What does the animal represent to you?  All good questions.
Think about the nature of that animal.  Consider its role in the natural world.  Think about the qualities that it has that allows it to make its own way and survive in the natural world.  Little by little, it will become clear to you exactly what that animal brings to you.  It may courage, stealth, need to protect the home field.  It may be about persevering or standing your ground or submitting and retreating in order to fight another day. 
In order to help you, here is a short list of some common animals and what they generally represent.  To get the greatest understanding of your animal spirit guide experience, you may want to record it in a journal or research the animal and what it represents in other cultures. 
Ants-Diligence, hard work, perseverance
Apes & monkeys –Social order, institutions, group cooperation
Bats-Developing our senses; traveling in unexpected places
Bears-Physical strength; preparation for difficult times
Beavers-Personal industry; attention to home issues
Big Cats (lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, etc.)-Stealth, protection, ferocity, strength, control
Birds-Song, joy, happiness
Birds of Prey (eagles, falcons, hawks, etc.)-Vision, Insight, Wisdom, Higher consciousness
Boars-Obstinacy; research, unearthing hidden or buried information
Butterflies-Breaking free; transformation, letting go of the old
Camels-Conserving resources
Caribou-Quick movement, long distance travel
Deer-Caution; gentleness; knowing when to flee
Dogs-Loyalty, friendship
Dragonflies-Magic, miracles
Dragons-Power, using power wisely; using power to assist others
Elephants-Nurturing, mothering, comfort, mothers & daughters
Elk-Provisions; storing resources
Fish-Societal groups; conformity
Foxes-Cleverness, Using new and creative ideas to approach common situations
Giraffes-Point of view; developing a keener perspective
Hippopotami-Defending and protecting our territories
Horses-Work and play, balance between the two
Mice-Unobtrusiveness, not attracting undue attention
Moles-Blindness; lack of information or understanding
Moose-Camouflage, silence, thinking before speaking
Otters-Playfulness; fun
Oxen-Physical labor; burdens, strength to carry heavy loads
Peacock-Pride, showiness, display of one’s talents
Rabbits-Retreat, protecting oneself from adversaries more powerful than oneself
Rats-Resourcefulness; acting on opportunity
Skunks-Respect for one’s self and one’s opponents; Personal defenses
Snakes-Renewal; shedding the old
Spiders-Planning and preparation
Swans-Grace, gracefulness, grace under pressure
Tortoise-Endurance; great wisdom
Turtles-Slowness of pace; slow and steady progress
Whales-Movement of long distances; migration; travel, extended trips
Wolves-Community and Family
Love and Light,



Sunday, August 25, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "I accept the assistance and guidance that Universe sends me."

The Universal Source (or whatever terminology is comfortable for you) always knows exactly what we need even when we don't. 

When we have a need, the Universe sends the best possible assistance.  Sometimes that assistance comes from our Guardian Angels, sometimes from the Realm of the Archangels, sometimes from our loved ones who have passed into spirit, and sometimes, from our pet family members.

If you have ever had a pet, then you know how unconditionally loving they can be, and even when they are no longer with us, they are still with us.  Their spirits, like the spirits of humans, endure.

Sarah's Story
About 15 years ago, our family adopted a shaggy terrier mutt named Sarah.  At the time, she was about 11 months old.  She had been in a foster home recovering from an injury that her owner wasn't interesting in fixing; he wanted to put her down. 
But, the vet that the owner took her to worked with an animal organization called S.A.D.S.A.C.-Save a Dog, Save a Cat.  The vet called the organization, and told them that he had a pup with a broken leg and would they be interested in fostering the pup if he could get the owner to agree to put the euthanasia fee toward her recovery.  Luckily, both the organization and the pet owner agreed.
When Sarah was ready for a permanent home, we were ready to adopt her.  She lived with us and was part of our family for 14 years.  As she reached her old age, she began to suffer from a variety of issues, one of which was renal failure-an undignified disease.
My job was such at the time that I could leave during the day and come home and check on her.  I did this for over a year.  But eventually, our family had a choice to make. 
It is always a difficult choice when our pet family members are suffering.  We did not want Sarah to lose whatever dignity she still had.  So we choice to allow her to close her eyes and go to into a peaceful sleep.  It was very difficult, but as a pet owner, it is up to us to make decisions in the highest and best interest of our pet family members, and put our own selfishness and grief aside.
In the middle of the night after her passing, our family began hearing her in our house.  When it was very quiet, we could hear her toenails on the tile.  Several times my son woke up in the middle of the night reaching over the edge of the bed to pet her; he swore he could feel her there waiting. 
My daughter had similar experiences with Sarah-of feeling Sarah at the foot of her bed, for example.
Even my husband, who is a great skeptic in matters such as these, swore he heard her or felt her.
Sarah was our family pet, but among all of us, she was most attached to me.  She would follow me everywhere.  If I went into the kitchen, she went into the kitchen.  If I went into the bathroom, she would sit outside the door until I was done.  If I went outside, Sarah was right behind me.  Sarah was like my shadow.
One Sunday afternoon, I had opened the back door to call out to my husband.  As I stood there, I could feel Sarah against my leg.  Unconsciously, I reached down to touch her, but of course, she wasn't there. 
Later, my husband, as I said, he is a great skeptic, told me that when I stood in the doorway, he saw her standing near me.  It only lasted a split second, but he saw her there as if she were real.
Of course, she was real.  She was no longer in physical life, but she was in spirit life.
I never had believed people who have said that animals have no souls or spirits.  Of course they do!  Our pet family members are the Universe's gift to us, to keep us company, to soothe our angst or pain, to make us laugh, and to love us. 
It is Universe's way of showing us what unconditional love feels like.
I never doubted any of the appearances that Sarah made to our family.  We don't feel her as much as we used to, but every now and then she checks in with us.  One of the kids will dream of her or feel her, or hear her walking through the house.
Frankly, I am glad that Sarah came home to us. It is right that she should come home to us.  We are her family.
Celebrate the love of your pet family member, and know that Universe sent him/her to you to learn lessons of care, love, companionship, and unconditional love.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "All things happen at exactly the right time."

It is so hard to be patient.  We live in a society of immediate gratification, of "I want it and I want it now."  But it doesn't work that way.  Things will happen when they are meant to happen.

There is this wonderful quote by Gandalf the Gray in Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring.  He says, "A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to."  Such insight. 

It is so true.  All things happen exactly when they are supposed to happen.  It is hard for us to swallow that because, again, we want it NOW.

I am in that boat now.  I have sent out  my project to the appropriate people and now it is a waiting game.   Logically, I know it takes time, but my ego is like an impatient child.  I have to keep telling myself, "Breathe.  It will happen when the time is right." 

Patience is the single most difficult lesson anyone can learn.  It really takes self discipline to perfect patience.  Universe knows this and so, Universe gives us plenty of opportunities to practice it. 

What I have been doing to keep my impatience at bay is to DETACH from what I am waiting for.  I hold it at arm's length, and force myself to not to obsess which is easier than being patient. 

When I find myself thinking too much about what I waiting for, I just switch my thinking to today's affirmation, "All things happen at exactly the right time."  I just keep repeating it over and over until my obsessive thoughts calm down.

I also just ask Universe to bless my enterprise and know that it is out there in the ethers manifesting.  It's not ready yet, but it IS manifesting.

I like to think about it like a cake in the oven.  We can obsess about the cake being done.  We can constantly open the oven to check if it's done, but it's not going to be done just because we keep looking inside. 

Cakes take time to bake.  If it comes out of the oven too early, yuck, it is underdone and unsatisfying.  When it is done, it will smell gorgeous, look gorgeous, and taste gorgeous! 

So, this is what I am training myself to be patient for, my "cake" to finish baking.  When it is done, I'll know it and enjoy it so much!  I will eat it piece by piece by piece, AND, I will share it with all those I love.  After all, what good is cake if don't share it with the ones we love! 

Light and Light,


Friday, August 23, 2013

Please visit our Facebook page and feel free to share your comments or questions.  If you like our blog, share it with your friends, and let it be a blessing to them today.

Today's Affirmation:  "Today I will treat others with kindness." OR "Today, I will be a blessing to others."

We may not think about it every day, we may not think about it ever, but we DO make a difference in the lives of others.

Sometimes, just one kind word or a smile or a positive reaction or patience or tolerance, or NOT saying the harsh words that are on the tip of our tongues can make a huge difference in someone else's life.

We are mistaken if we believe that our existence has no impact on others.  Everything we do and say has an impact, one way or another.

Maybe the nasty lady at the Walmart checkout has had a horrible day, and that's why she is less than pleasant.  Maybe your good nature, your smile, your wishing her a good day will turn it all around for her.

Maybe the complaining, customer at your register or on the other end of the phone line had a really bad experience and is unjustly taking it out on you.  Instead of giving tit-for-tat, as my mother used to say, your pleasant attitude and kind voice can soothe the that savage beast.

Maybe the kindness you show another person today will be the only act of kindness that that person will experience today.

There is so much discontent in the world, so much bitterness and anger, do we really want to play into that?  Do we really want to pass on our misery and sarcasm and meanness to others?  NO.

Yes, yes, yes.  I know, I know.  You've had a bad day and are in a bad mood.  You're tired and cranky.  You have a lot on your mind.  You have issues.  BUT by shifting our discontent into kindness to others not only makes a difference to them...it makes a difference to US. 

It's amazing how just going out of our way to offer a smile or kind word can help to lift our bad mood. 

Remember, we get what we give out.  So, if we give out misery and sarcasm and meanness, that is what we will get.  If we give out kindness, then that is what we will get in return.

So, today, make a special effort to smile, to say, "Have a good day!", to return gentleness for harshness or to hold back scathing words.  See if it doesn't make a difference in YOUR day.

Have a day filled with blessings and smiles and kind words. 

Love and Light,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "Today I will slow down and do only one thing at a time."

Our daily lives can overwhelm us.  There is always so much to do, especially if we have a job outside the home and have a family to care for.  Just think about all of the tasks that we do in one day-from the moment we get up to the moment we lay our heads on our pillows at night.

We always feel so rushed, so behind schedule.  Some days feel like a treadmill.  We just get on and go, go, go.  And at the end of the day, we fall into bed exhausted.

It can be very frustrating when two or three tasks are top priority and need to get right away.  We make ourselves crazy with rushing in order to get things done.  The faster we go, the faster our minds go.  Our minds are on high speed.  Always thinking about the next task to be done.

All of this results in our thinking becoming external.  We focus on the outside instead of on the inside, instead of ourselves.  What I mean is, we push ourselves beyond our boundary, beyond our capacity, always juggling two, three, four, sometimes five things at a time.  We forget to breathe.  We forget to relax our muscles, we convince ourselves that we can't slow down, even for a minute, or the entire works will come crashing down.

Well, here's a little secret.  If we dropped dead in the middle of doing all these things for all these people, do you know what would happen?  All the things that we did that we felt we were the only ones who could do them, would get assigned to someone else to do, or we would be replaced by a new employee.  BUT those that love us would miss us.

SO-instead of running around all day focusing only on the external, SLOW DOWN.  Think ONLY about the task at hand.  Start it.  See it through.  Finish it.  Move on to the next task.

Focus on ONLY the task at hand.  Don't let yourself become overwhelmed with EVERY single task that needs to get done.

And don't forget, be good to yourself by giving yourself permission to breathe and work at a reasonable pace.  Eat your lunch without paperwork all over your desk.  Allow yourself time to recharge.  If you have a break time, take it!  You are entitled to it.  You need it.

Being good to ourselves is very best thing we can do for ourselves.  It makes us happier and more productive and much more pleasant to be around.

SO-for today, with any task that you do.  Just think about that ONE task from start to finish.  Just do ONE thing at a time.  You will be amazed how much better you will feel and you will be surprised how your tasks get done effectively.

Have a wonderful day today.  And remember to BREATHE!

Love and Light,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "I CAN control my own thinking.  I AM in control of my own thinking."

Freight Train Thinking.

Sometimes our thoughts take on a life of their own.  They become our Frankenstein's monster.  They become a runaway train speeding uncontrollably down the track.  We obsess, obsess, obsess.  One thought thriving on another thought, until we have created a illusion for ourselves that is so real, it makes us sick.  We conjure elaborate scenarios with complex plots and outrageous climaxes and dramatic (and sometimes traumatic) conclusions.  BUT...none of it is the reality.

What we later find is that what happens in actuality and what is actually the truth is completely different from the runaway train of thought we had.

But how do we stop a runaway train?  Hard to do.  But...it can be done.  It takes self discipline and practice.

The first step is recognizing Freight Train Thinking for what it is...our own fear or anger or frustration or anxiety that has taken hold in our minds and exploited our thoughts.  Being able to recognize it when it happens is key to stopping it.

Second, we have got to WANT to stop it.  We have got to WANT to take back our control.  We have got to WANT to stop being a victim of our out of control obsessive thoughts.

Now, we get to the crux.  Let's fix it. Let me warn you.  Fixing it is like wrestling a rhinoceros.  It takes tremendous determination to fight against in and not just give in to it which is so much easier to do.

STOP yourself.  Whatever you are doing.  Just STOP. 

Close your eyes.

Breathe slowly...in through your nose...out through your mouth.  Have a focus object, like a beautiful and peaceful place or the sun or a flower or a dream car or any other pleasant vision. Breathe and focus on this scene or object until the thoughts begin to slow down and dematerialize.

As you do this, you will feel the obsessive thoughts less and less.  You will feel yourself relax and your heart rate and pulse slow down.

Now, create an AFFIRMATION and repeat it as you are breathing and visualizing your pleasant scene or object.  Something like, "I am in control of my own thoughts," or "I release my thoughts of fantasy and wait for reality."

Once you are calm and your obsessive thoughts are beginning to wane, Create a powerful visualization to represent the release of the obsessive thoughts. 

Something like the top of your head opening and all the gunky, gray, toxic thoughts rising out and into the sunshine where they are absorbed and disappear, or, opening the top of your head as if it were a box and reaching in and pulling out the cobwebs or sludge.

When you feel you are back in control, and your clear thinking has returned, resume your day's activities.

BUT if your thoughts start to avalanche, repeat the process.  NO ONE can do this for you.  YOU have got to WANT to get a grip!  And, the more you practice this process when your thoughts take on a life of their own, the BETTER at it you will become.

Keep in mind the old adage:  "Rome wasn't built in a day."  This is true for our thinking as well.  It takes time do crush our old behaviors and time to rebuild and replace old behaviors with new ones.

Just hang in there, and DO IT!  You DESERVE clarity of mind.  You DESERVE serenity.  You DESERVE to take back your personal power from your errant thoughts!

IF you need help with this process, IF you need support while trying to clear your thinking, IF you need guidance or have questions, then MESSAGE ME THROUGH FACEBOOK, and I will be happy to provide any information, encouragement, and guidance you need.

In Love and Light,


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "Today, I am calm and composed.  I move with grace and purpose."
Take the Time to Meditate
Only when we slow down our daily thoughts and remove ourselves from the demands of the hustle and bustle of the outside world can be replenish our energy, release those energies that prevent us from making forward progress, and thus, regain harmony and balance in our lives.  Meditation is the perfect avenue in which to achieve this inner peace, harmony and balance.
Mediation does not have to be a complex process taking lots of time.  It can be a simple moment where we close our eyes, breath deeply for a few minutes, and set our intentions for the day or surround ourselves with positive energy, or repeat our affirmations.  It can be done almost anywhere:  in the car in the parking lot before entering the building of our jobs, in the long line at the grocery market, or on a coffee break.
Taking a few precious moments for ourselves in the midst of our busy day helps us to keep our energy flowing positively, helps us to release the negativity that we pick up along our travels, and keeps our minds and bodies at peace and much more productive.  It also helps us to keep the conduit to our higher consciousness open to the resources that Universe makes available to us.  Those resources, if we create a time to access them, may offer us a brilliant idea, a solution to a problem, a course of action, or a flash of insight.
Here are a few simple and easy daily meditations to help you along your path to inner peace, harmony, and balance.
In the morning-Sit quietly, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.   Say this or something similar:
“The Light of the Universe shines on me and illuminates me.  I am calm, centered, and in harmony with myself and others.  Peace surrounds me wherever I go.  The wisdom of the Universe guides me today and always.”
During the day-Find a quiet place, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths.  Say this or something similar:
“The Light of the Universe dispels any darkness around me.  The Light of the Universe shines on me and illuminates me.  I am intelligent and strong and capable.  The Universe clears the path before me, and I walk it with confidence and surety.”
In the evening-Find a quiet place, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths.  Say this or something similar:
“I release any stress and anxiety that has followed me today.  I release it into the Universe where it will be recycled for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned.  The Light and peace of the Universe surrounds me, protects me, and guides my thoughts and actions.  I am at peace with myself, with others, and with the Universe.”
Just a few minutes each day will help to replenish your energy, keep your mind free and clear of negative thoughts, and bring about an overall increase in physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health.
Love and Light,


"May the blessings of Elves and Men and all Free Folk be with you.  May the sun shine upon your faces."  Lord of the Rings, Tolkien

Monday, August 19, 2013

Today's Affirmations:  "I can do it."  or "I can get through it."  or "This too shall pass."

Today's affirmations are very simple ones.  There are times when we aren't looking for enlightenment or protection or higher knowledge, instead, all we are looking for is a way to get through the day.

How many times have we been anxious or nervous or stressed over things happening in our lives, things we cannot control?  How many times have we let our minds dwell solely on nerve wracking events?

Anxiety serves no higher purpose.  There is no positive outcome to anxiety.  All anxiety does is make us sick, and well...anxious.

Replace anxiety with the thought that you have all the power it takes to overcome adversity and conquer the tasks that need conquering.

You CAN do it, whatever it is.  You CAN get through it.  It shall indeed pass. 

Refocus your mind.  Detach from the negative.  Pour your energy into the positive.

Use the affirmations as a mantra.  Keep saying them over and over again.

A friend of mine used to say, "Fake it till you make it."  How many times have I done this?  Lots!  So even if you don't feel confident, focus on faking you are confident, focus on telling yourself, "I can do this."  Before you know it, BAM, whatever it was that was causing you such tremendous anxiety, is over and done with.

Keep your eyes focused on the positive, and ALL will be well.  I promise!!!!

Love and Light,

A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you rainbows
For sunlight after showers-
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours-
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
-Irish Blessing

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Today's Affirmation:  "I am never alone.  My Guardian Angels and my loved ones are with me, protect me, and guide me."
"I recognize when my loved one(s) is/are near.  I accept his/her/their presence."
We are never alone.  We are always accompanied by our Guardian Angels and those whom we love who have passed on into spirit form.  This is a great comfort. 
These loving beings watch over us, guide us, and protect us from harm.  They are always with us.
Sometimes miraculous things happen in our lives, and we can feel assured that those in spirit, who dwell in the ethereal, are working for our highest and greatest good.
Just the other day, my daughter and I were on our way home from doing errands.  While getting ready to make a left hand turn into our community, my car just stopped running-you guessed it-out of gas!  But somehow, the car had enough momentum for me to make a U-turn and glide into the gas station and right up to an unoccupied pump.  How about that!
My daughter commented that Angels had pushed the car around the U-turn and into the gas station.  I truly believe this was the case.  How lucky I am to have such loving and watchful guardians!
I have experienced many incidents like this one.  Maybe you have too.  It's not luck or coincidence; it's heaven looking out for us!
Think about the car accident you almost could have had.  Think about the fall you could have taken down the stairs but didn't.  Think about misplacing something important and miraculously finding it.  These are just a few examples of how our loving guardians stand between us and danger or assist us at just right time.
Have you ever experienced flickering lights in your home?  Me too.  Whenever this happens, I know that my mother, who passed away eight years ago, has come to visit me. 
Lights and small electronic appliances are some of the easiest things those in spirit can manipulate to show us that they are with us.  Because we are made of energy-electromagnetic energy-we attract energy, and sometimes, interact with other energy.  Our loved ones who no longer have physical bodies are pure energy, and thus can affect other energy sources like lights and small appliances.
In fact, each time the light flickers in my home, I always call out, "Hi, mom!  Thanks for coming!  I love you!"  Sometimes the light flickers slowly, other times it flickers in quick succession, but nonetheless, I am always happy to see it.  I miss my mom and it comforts me to know she is still with me.
Here are some other indicators of how our guardians and loved one let us know that they are with us:
Have you ever felt as if someone was standing behind you, and when you turn around, no one is there?
Have you ever gotten a fleeting but distinct whiff of a scent associated with your loved one?  Sometimes, I swear, I can smell my grandmother's talcum powder or soap.  It only lasts for an instant, but I can smell it.
Have you ever been doing a task that reminds you of your loved one?  I was peeling potatoes the other day, and my grandmother's face popped into my mind.  I could hear her voice saying, "Don't take too much meat off."  My grandmother was the one who taught me to peel potatoes, not with a peeler but with a knife.  She would always tell me, "Ay, don't take too much meat off."  It may be a silly example, but it connects me to her and I am glad to feel her love.
Have you ever used an expression that was common for your loved one and suddenly, maybe just for an iota of a second, you would swear that you were looking through the eyes of your loved one?
This happens to me a lot, especially when I am with my other members of my family-my sister or brother.  Something will be funny, and I will laugh heartily.  Now-my laugh and my mom's laugh were NOT the same, but at that moment, I sound exactly like her!  I can feel her.  It's as if, for that brief moment, her spirit has embraced my body and I can feel her, and her laugh is coming through my mouth.
I know what you may be thinking-creepy-but it's not.  It's comforting. 
Our loved ones love us.  They miss us just as much as we miss them.  It is important to them to let us know that although they no longer exist in the physical world, they still exist and are with us.
I don't know about you, but I like knowing this. 
So, next time you have an experience that you would swear involved angels or brings your loved one to mind, don't discount it as luck or coincidence or a memory.  Embrace it as a Divine experience.  BELIEVE IT! KNOW IT!  You are never alone!  Your loved one and your Guardian Angels are by your side constantly!
In Light and Love,
Prayer to My Guardian Angel
"My dear and loving Guardian Angel-
God* sent you to me to guide, protect, and enlighten me
and to bring me back to the right way when I go astray.
Encourage me when I am disheartened,
and instruct me when I err in judgment.
Help me in times of difficulty
and comfort me in times of grief.
I accept all of your loving care
and know you are always with me."
Prayer for Comfort
"Father God*-
Comfort me in my time of loss and sorrow.
Heal my heart.
Strengthen my spirit.
Give me joy when I remember my loved one."
Prayer to My Loved One
"Dear (loved one's name here)
Put your arms around me and comfort me.
Be with me in my time of emotional need.
Care for me and guide me.
Be with me at all times
and help me to remember you with smiles
instead of tears."
*You may substitute another term here.  Use whatever makes you feel comfortable.