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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"There is a season for all things.  Spring is my season.  All I have been working toward manifesting will begin to come into being."

Spring is a time of renewal.  It is a time for casting off the old, the outmoded, the outworn.  It is a time to blossom into newness and to celebrate rebirth.  It is a time to bring into being all that we have been working on manifesting.

Each of us undergoes our own seasons: 

Summer:  a time of great fruition and full blossoming; a time of maturity and richness and abundance

Fall-a time of the lessening of our resources (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual; weakness, diminished hope

Winter-a dark and cold time; a time when we feel isolated and stagnated; a time when we feel we are frozen in time or frozen in situations in which we find ourselves

Spring:  a time to wake up, to rouse our consciousness out of the winter stupor; to reinvigorate our bodies, minds, spirits

So, dear friends, rouse yourself!  Wake up!  Drink deeply from the well of the change from winter to spring.  Embrace rebirth! 

Accept the wonderful gifts that are coming to you.  Be open to the positive changes that Universe is bringing into your life!

In Love and Light-Always,

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