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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will open my heart and mind to the gifts that Universe gives me.  I freely accept them and will use them and enjoy them."

The future is abundant with gifts from the Universe.  We need to change our thinking from, "I can't have that" or "I don't deserve that," to "I welcome that with which the Universe blesses me" or "I accept that with which the Universe blesses me."

I have said this before, Shakespeare said, "there is nothing which is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  The same is true with how we view our worthiness to receive the blessings of the Universe.

WE, all of us, deserve the best that Universe has to offer.  We simply need to open our hearts and minds to receive. 

Imagine this, if you will:  You have a unconditionally loving friend who has a great big, beautiful present for you.  He or She comes to you and says, "I love and appreciate you so much that I want you to have this special present for no other reason than because I love you.  I don't want or need anything back, I just want you to have this because I know you will enjoy it."

What would you do?  Many would say, "Oh, no, I couldn't."  Some would say, "What did I do to deserve it?"  Many would take it and feel obligated to later give a gift of equal value in return.  And some would simply not accept the gift.

BUT We are loved beyond measure and we do deserve any gift that Universe gives us.  So Change your thinking abut what you DO deserve, and simply open your hands and heart, receive the gift, and say, "Thank you so much!!!!!"

The Universe is generous, and wants to be generous to each of us.  We are worthy, and we do deserve every blessing that our Higher Power wants to give us.

In Love and Light, Always,

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