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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace my personal journey.  I will step onto the road that leads to my personal transformation.  Universe supports my journey and transformation."

Because we are human, we are subject to all of the human frailties, all of the lower aspects of character.  It is up to us to conquer these frailties and overcome these lower aspects of character.

Easier said than done.  We have a tendency to turn and run when these frailties come into the light.  We would rather push them back down into the depth than bring them out into the bright sunlight.  We would rather lock them away deep, deep down where we think they belong instead of exposing them to bright sunshine.

We want to do this because we  may be afraid to confront them or because we don't feel we have the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual resources to combat them, or because they may be unsavory and we don't want to admit they are a part of us.

But they are part of us.  We don't have to like them, but we should own them.  By owning them, we can then move into amending them.  These frailties may never go completely away, but we can find a way to master them.  By doing so, we progress.  We come closer and closer to who we truly are meant to be. 

Our humanness involves journey.  It involves traveling from one state of being to another state of being.  It involves moving ourselves from who we are to who we want to be.

So don't be afraid to confront your frailties.  Be brave and do it.  You won't be sorry.

Begin your journey today.  Embrace the journey.  Learn as much as you can.  Begin your personal evolution.  You will be pleasantly surprised at who you can truly become when you embrace the work that leads to your transformation.

In Love and Light, Always,

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