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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Today's Affirmation
 "Today I will decide what to do with time that is given to me."
Frodo:  "I wish the ring had never come to me."
Gandalf:  "So do all who see such times.  But that is not for them to decide.  All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you."
Truth comes to us in the most unexpected of ways sometimes.  And here, from The Lord of the Rings is great wisdom. 
Wishing something had never happened is futile because it has happened and we cannot undo it.  What is done is done.  But what we can do, what is a much better investment of our time and energy is to face what has happened and choose a course of action.
So often we are paralyzed by our own inaction.  We stymy ourselves.  We fall into the trap of worry, anxiety, and even resentment over the events that have occurred in our lives.  We fail accept what has happened and we wallow in the events-frustrated, confused, frozen.
We cannot change events, but we can change the way we approach them.  We can take charge.  We can formulate a plan of action and follow it through.  This movement keeps the energy flowing, and we get through the event more quickly. 
It begins to dawn on us that we are not helpless victims.  We are people of action.  We can take our own lives in our own hands and do something with it-we can move forward.
We push through the fear, push through the uncertainty.  We move forward.
And this is today's message.  Don't let events in your life paralyze you.  Don't let events in your life victimize you.  Don't let events in your life keep you mired in wishing and hoping things had never happened.  They have happened, so now what are you going to do about it??
In Love and Light-Always,

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