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Friday, July 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I embrace my intuition.  Today I will actively work toward honing my intuitive sense."
Rely on your intuition.  There is a reasons that intuition is called the sixth sense and it is not because it is occult or separate from the other senses.  It is because it is a part of the entire sensual package:  seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, hearing, perceiving.
Just the way we rely on our sight or our sense of smell to guide us through our human lives, we must reconnect probably the most important of the senses-intuition.
Beginning today, work actively on honing your intuitive sense.  Trust it.  Follow it.  Embrace the idea that it is part of the ALL just as all of the others are.
When we ignore the gift of intuition, we deny that which is part of us, just as if we were to refuse to recognize that we have a second arm or leg.  If we did this, we would severely impair ourselves, and our daily achievement would be that much more difficult.
I'm sure we all have heard "sight impaired," "hearing impaired."  But what about "intuition impaired?"  Think about it. 
Embrace your intuition.  The more you use it, the more sharpened it will become and the less impaired you will be.
In Love and Light-Always,

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