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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, July 21, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin to nurture myself.  I will work toward self satisfaction and happiness within myself instead of outside myself."

Greetings and Salutations!!

Isn’t it funny how we go on each day going to our jobs, or making the beds, doing laundry, cooking meals, putting a smile on our faces and pushing through when we are so vastly unhappy with ourselves and our lives? 
 How do we do it?  We push aside the unhappiness, telling ourselves that it is foolish for us to feel this way, that we are being silly, that we have so much to be grateful for. 
We bury ourselves in books or computer games or cooking or shopping or lunching with friends.  In some cases we turn to darker, more self destructive pursuits.  We push down the unhappiness so much so that, at some point, we don’t even realize that we are unhappy.  We just know we are tired and frustrated and fed up.
 Then, one day, for no real good reason that we can put our finger on, we explode! We scream and yell and cry, maybe even break things or punch things or throw things (yikes!), and the great irony is we don’t even realize, at that moment of greatest anguish, that we are unhappy.  We ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?  Why am I acting like this?”  We have become so expert at burying our real feelings that we can’t see it for what it is.
 The problem is that if we admit that we are unhappy, then that somehow implies that there is something wrong, something deficient in us that prevents us from generating happiness, from being happy.
What we are, is not deficient, but afraid.  We are afraid of ourselves.  We are afraid of how far we have come away from who we used to be to where we are now.  We are afraid that we have not lived up to others' expectations or our own expectations.  We are afraid that we haven't accomplished all those things that were so incredibly important to us when we were younger.
My dear darlings,  we got this way because we never took the time to nurture ourselves.  We put everyone and everything before us, thinking that self nurturing made us selfish.  Self nurturing is selfishness; it is necessary.
Even in airplanes, the attendant will instruct the passengers, that in a case of an emergency, we should put the oxygen bag on ourselves first, then assist others.  This insures that we have the necessary resources to help others.
Begin thinking about putting on your own metaphorical oxygen bag. 
Honeys, if you give, give, give, do, do, do, then you have nothing left for yourself.
For once in you life, FOCUS ON YOURSELF!  NURTURE YOURSELF!   The more you nurture and be kind to yourself, the less angry, frustrated, tired, unhappy you will be, and the more you will feel revitalized, balanced, and in harmony.
Now, don't just read all of this and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I don't have time to nurture myself.  I am so busy." 
But I say, "Don't be ridiculous.  If you want to feel better, then you must actively pursue it.  Take the time.  Make the time. 
Ask the Universe for help.  Call upon the Angelic Realm to show you, to lead you, to teach you how to self nurture.
Be well, dearies.
In Love and Light-Always,

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