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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, July 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will look for the hand of Universe working in my life."
If we attune our awareness, then we can better recognize those times when the Universe is actively communicating with us and working in our lives. 
We see the unfolding of events, seemingly miraculous, and they are because Universe has engineered it to be so.
Universe communicates to us through a variety of ways that seem so natural that we don't always recognize it.  Many people are under the impression that when Universe communicates with us, we need to have some lofty vision of a celestial being surrounded in light, the sky needs to open, and the mighty voice of God makes the earth shake.
This is not true.  Universe always communicates with us in a way that we can understand.  Think about it.  What good is cosmic communication with humanity if humanity doesn't understand the message?  Good point, right?  Indeed.
Sometimes those very seemingly random or casual communications come through our friends or a song that is playing the minute we turn on the radio or a repetition of things that show up in close succession to each other.
Other times it may be a line from a film or book that keeps playing in our brains.  And other times it is just a sense of knowingness-seeing and understanding so clearly something we did not recognize before.
So, dearies, keep your eyes and ears open for the voice and wisdom of the Universe.  The more you attune yourselves to these messages, the clearer they become and the more frequently you will be able to actually to say, "THIS is definitely the hand of the Universe working for me right now."
In Love and Light-Always,

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