NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will self-check myself for my auric health.  I will center, balance, and ground myself."

Today, I thought I would give you a brief preview of one of the chapters in the Spirit Seeds meditation book.

This excerpt is from Chapter 3-Centering, Balancing, Grounding.  It is not the entire chapter, (I can't give too much away before publication), but it will give you idea about the book.

           "Each of us has an invisible layer of protective energy that surrounds our physical bodies.  It radiates outward approximately two to four inches from the physical body and is made up of electromagnetic energy.  It is our human force field and it is called the auric field, or simply, the aura.

When we are healthy and balanced, the aura is healthy and balanced.  When we are not healthy and balanced, the aura is not healthy and balanced.  And when the aura is not healthy and balanced, then it can thin out in places or develop bulges, wavy ridges, or what seem to be hairline cracks.  The aura isn’t actually cracked, of course, but the energy is so thin that it looks like it’s cracked. 

These problematic auric conditions are caused by any number of factors.  The most primary would be experiencing extended periods of stress and anxiety, or exposure to high levels of negativity, such as being in a hostile work or home environment, or in constant contact with someone who is angry or hateful, bitter or resentful, jealous or mean. 

Sometimes, our own negative emotions or our diminished mental, emotional or physical states can also tax the aura.  The auric field is strong and protective, but under such diminished or strenuous conditions, it surely can become weakened and not as effective or protective as it should be. 

            When this occurs, we may feel out of sorts, irritable, quick to anger, quick to react.  We may experience mood swings.  We may feel scattered, unorganized, frustrated.  We may become clumsy, bump into things, trip over things.  Additionally, when the aura is weak, so is our immune system; thus, making us more susceptible to illnesses such as colds and flus.  The necessity of keeping the aura strong and balanced is clear:  without its strength and balance, we are a mess!

            The best way we can ensure that our auric field is in good working order is to center, balance, and ground our energy.  This means that we collect all of our energy that has become scattered or lost and concentrate it around our physical bodies, and we reconnect it, ground it, deep into the earth.  Remember how Peter Pan lost his shadow and how Wendy needed to reattach it?  This process is similar.  Our energy is lost, and we need to reattach it, not with needle and thread, of course, but with breathing and visualizing and drawing in."
In Love and Light-Always,

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