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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"I release _____ from my life.  I am free."

We have all had the experience of having to let go of a relationship.  Some of us have had to let go of spouses or family members or friends. 

It is extremely difficult to go through this process of letting go.  It is painful and heart wrenching.  And emotions,some of which we didn't know we were capable, bubble up from deep inside of us.  They rise, like volcanic magma, from the root chakra, and completely fill us:  anger, resentment, bitterness, sadness, despair, sorrow, frustration.

It is extremely difficult to process all of this emotion.  We want to cry and scream and yell and throw things, and punch things.  We want to strike back, hurt the person who has hurt us.

So, what do we do?  How can we deal with this type of pain and hurt?

One way we can work through this difficulty process is to include a "Burning and Releasing Ceremony." 

What you need:

  • An outdoor location that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed
  • A medium/large ceramic or glass bowl in which you can safely burn paper
  • A sheet of paper and a pen or pencil
  • Dried white sage
  • A lighter or some other safe way to ignite flame
  • A large glass of water (just in case)
This is what you do:

  • On the sheet of paper, write down exactly what or who you want to release from you life.  Write it very simply and clearly.  As you are writing down what you want to release, forom a clear mental picture of it in your mind.
  • Fold the paper in half or quarters.
  • Light the sage.
  • Holding the burning sage in one hand and your paper in the other, use the sage to ignigte the paper.
  • Place both the burning sage and paper in the bowl.
  • Let it completely burn until nothing is left but ash.  If it fire goes out, then simply relight it.
  • Say this or something similar:  "I release (fill in the blank) from my life.  I release him/her with the purest intention and  for the highest good of both of us.May this energy be cleansed and return to me tenfold as positive and loving energy.  I ask this in the name of all that is good and true and pure in the Universe."  Repeat this several times.
  • Once the paper and sage is nothing but ash, you have several choices:  (1) Take the ash and scatter it in your garden or on any green living area.  (2)  Release the ashes into the air (this is good on a windy day).  
  • Repeat the above wording.
  • Done.

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