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Monday, August 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I take an active role in manifesting my future."
How can we expect to make any progress if we are not willing to put in the work?  Bringing oneself back into balance or , living harmoniously, and receiving gifts from the Universe requires that we do something.
It requires that we get off the sofa and actively begin manifesting what we want.
Sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves or just wishing and hoping does us no good at all.  If anything, it interferes with all that Universe has to give us.
Can you imagine someone saying to you, "Hey, I have this great gift for you.  I really, really, really want you to have it, no strings attached.  I just want you to have it because I know you will love it and it will make you happy." 
And then you say, "Oh, no thanks."  Then in the same breath, you say, "Gee, I wish I had...."
Well, this is what is happening when you refuse to take part in manifesting what Universe has for you.  This is what you are saying when you sit on the sofa and complain about NOT having what you want.
So, for today, make a decision to make a change in your thinking and ACT.  Actively manifest that which you want, that which is important to you.  Let Universe bless you with all that it has for you.
In Love and Light-Always,

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