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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, August 1, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cultivate a willingness to break free from all forms of abuse.  I will trust that Universe supports me and will help me and protect me."
No one, and I mean no one, should endure abuse of any kind.  When we allow others to abuse in any way, we abdicate our personal power, we surrender our identities, we become victims.  This is not how Universe intended us to live.
The spirit and power of God is within each of us, and we undergo or allow abuse, we fail to honor the spirit within.
Universe understands the complexity of abuse-the abuser and the abused-and Universe has challenged us to break the cycle and life a life that is fulfilling to us.
If you, dear readers, are experiencing abuse of any kind and of any magnitude, consider breaking the cycle.  Yes, it can be risky.  Yes, it can be scary.  Yes, it can be challenging.  But Universe supports your freedom from the domination by others.  Universe supports your personal and spiritual growth.  Universe has seen to it that, waiting in the wings, is the entire realm of angels and other loving celestial beings who can put their arms around you, shelter you, help you to break the cycle and live a more fulfilling life.
It will not be easy, but those things that are most worth it, never are. 
Consider willingness to break free.  Begin manifesting your own freedom.  If there is a spark of confidence in your heart, a spark of willingness, then Universe will see to it that the deed is done.
Ask the Warrior Angels to come to your aid.  Ask the Universe to intervene.  If you do not ask, then nothing can be done.
My dear darlings, ask.  I encourage you.  Ask Universe to Divinely intervene.
May God bless you and may he work in your heart to manifest courage and willingness to break free.
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil for the Lord is with me."
-Psalm 23

In Love and Light-Always,

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