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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will practice the word "No" and put myself first."

When is enough enough?  How much must we take before we absolutely implode?  And how did we let it get this far?

Because we are good people and because we care about others and because we don't want to hurt others, we sometimes put ourselves in uncomfortable positions to always do for others at the expense of ourselves.

When we fail to say "No," then we get into trouble.  It is not our job to always say "Yes."  It is not our job to always solve the issues of others or do someone a favor.

When we constantly come to the rescue of others, when we constantly are doing favors for others, when we constantly say "Yes," then we deplete ourselves.  We become resentful.  We feel taken advantage of.

This is when we should know it is time to draw the line and be steadfast in patrolling it.  It's all about boundaries.  The boundaries that we set are for ourselves, to keep us safe, to keep us in check, to keep us from depleting our own personal resources.

So, think about your boundaries.  Where are you going to draw the line?  Maybe you don't even have one, or maybe you have moved your line so far back that now you find yourself with your back against the wall and nowhere else to go.

If this is the case.  Push that line outward.  Give yourself some breathing room.  Say, "No, I can't do that," or "It's not a good time," or "I'd like to but I just can't right now.  Thank you of thinking of me."

It is time to reclaim your territory, by replying one NO at a time.  In this way, you conserve resources, avoid resentment, and stay true to yourself.

So, for today, consider your boundaries and where you may need to repair them.  Today, tell one person who asks you to go out of your way at your own expense, "NO."  They'll eventually get over it.

Move forward in support of yourself, always remembering that you deserve balance and harmony, and that your health and well-being are important.  Put yourself first today.

In Love and Light-Always,

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