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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin a personal inventory and resolve to release and to close old issues."
It is a good time to begin bringing old issues to a close.  The end of the year is only months away, as hard as it is to believe, and old issues that have been hanging around for months and are still unresolved can be worked on and put to rest.
Before we know it, holiday time will be upon us and then the stress and anxiety will mount with all of the preparations:  shopping, cooking, entertaining.  Don't let yourself become depleted.  This happens when we not only have the stress of holiday time, but have the added stress of leaving issues unresolved.
I do not believe in New Year's resolutions because they are too easy to break.  We make them, but we already know that we aren't really going to keep them.  But making a resolution now, when it is most important is much  more valuable.
Take the time to inventory yourself.  Look back and see what issues you have left open and close them.  Look back for unhealthy patterns of thought and behavior and action, and resolve to let them go.  With old issues resolved, you can head in the upcoming months free of some of the end of year stress and in a perfect position to consider your goals for the new year.
It's like cleaning out the fridge.  Just get in there and do it as unpleasant as may be.  Ask for Universal help.  You know you have a cast of angelic assistance to help you, so ask them for help.  They will come in a mighty way to carry you through the release of the old and prepare your heart, mind, and spirit for the future.
In Love and Light-Always,

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