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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, September 5, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will carry on.  I will determine what I need to carry on and ask Universe for help in making it so."
Carry on.
In the midst of all, carry on.  It is so easy for us to withdraw and let life pass us by.  We see others doing and achieving and we look at them and wonder how they do it.  Well, perhaps the answer isn't so simple, but a simple answer is-Carry on.
Earlier this week, I wrote about ownership, about owning our lives, claiming them and taking responsibility for them.
Today, the message is the same.  When we make the choice to carry on, we make the choice to be in charge of our own lives.
How easy it is for us to look around us and say, "I can't."  Instead, we should look around us and say, "I can."
When we do this, we let the Universe know that we are ready to carry on, to move on with our lives.  And when we give Universe the signal that we are ready, Universe will step in a mighty way and help us make things happen.
So what will you do today that is a message to the Universe that you are ready to carry on? 
Perhaps a list would be appropriate.  Make a list or timeline of what it is you would like to see manifest in your life.  Maybe it is a book you've written or a business you have started.  Maybe is the sale of your house or the healing of a child.  Maybe it is better work environment or an rejuvenated relationship.  Maybe it is to cast codependency and disentangle yourself from an unhealthy relationship.
Whatever it is that you need to carry on, Universe will put its hands on it and begin to make it happen.
Be clear and reasonable with what you want to bring into your life.  Winning the lotto is an interesting concept, but seriously, how many other people are asking the same thing?  How reasonable is it?  Isn't it more reasonable to ask the Universe to bless you with abundance and prosperity?  It is.
So, for today, CARRY ON.  Begin considering what you need to do so, and begin making it happen.
Enjoy a wonderful weekend.
In Love and Light-Always,

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