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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will work on accepting those things that I cannot change."
"God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."-Serenity Prayer
How often have we striven against the flowing tide?  How often have we pushed our way against a brick wall only to become bruised?  How often have we tried to impose our will on events and come up short?
Perhaps this is a familiar story for you.  Perhaps you feel frustrated and angry because all of your efforts have yielded nothing.
Perhaps this is because what you were trying to impact is outside your realm of control.  You have wasted precious energy on something that you cannot possibly impact or change no matter how much you may want to change it.
This is a time to evaluate the situation and ask yourself:  "Is there anything that I can possibly do the impact this situation?"  If the answer is "No,"  then it is time to work on acceptance.
Acceptance is a hard lesson because no one want to feel that he or she is ineffective.  It makes us feel helpless and frustrated.
But, by being totally honest with ourselves, recognizing those things that really do fall outside our realm of control, we become, not more frustrated, but empowered.  We know it isn't us that are faulty, it is the nature of the situation.
By recognizing what we have no control over and accepting that we have no control, we can then turn our attention to what is within our realm of control-US.  We may not be able to control other people or external situations, but we can control ourselves.  We can take a good, long, hard look at ourselves and find that which needs mending, remediating, updating.  And then we can focus our energy on doing it.
So, for today, dear friends, open y our awareness.  Stop periodically through your day, and ask yourself, "Can I effectively enact change on this situation?"   If so, do it.  If not, move on.
In Love and Light-Always,

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