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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I will ask the Universe for wisdom, understanding, and clarity."
It is true that if we ask, we shall receive.
Yes, there may be items we need to make our lives more comfortable, but what is essential, is what we need inside.
Ask Universe to provide wisdom, clarity, understanding.  Ask Universe to give you courage and strength to endure that will confronts you.
In you open your heart and ask, Universe will see to it that your requests are fulfilled.  You will begin to see signs of your answer. 
Situations will develop that offer opportunities to gain wisdom, to deepen understanding, and see with clarity.
When we commit ourselves to the betterment of our lives through gaining wisdom, all aspects of our lives begin to fall into place.
Actively work from the inside out.  Improving ourselves through the acquisition of wisdom, understanding, and clarity overflows into our external lives, and soon we begin to recognize changes and improvements.
So embrace the opportunity to gain wisdom and live a more enlightened life.
In Love and Light-Always,

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