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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will begin to unclutter my inner self and my personal space."

Our outer environment reflects our inner selves.  Look around your personal space.  What condition is it in?  Is your desk cluttered with junk?  Is your car or the trunk of your car stuffed with stuff that needs to be dropped off at Good Will but you haven't found the time to do it?  Is you closet filled to its limit with belongings that you just can't seem to clear out or get rid of?  And what about the atticv?  Are you storing things there that belong to others and need to be given to them?

All of these are indicators of what is happening inside of us because, like a closet or a trunk or an attic, we store stuff inside of ourselves and just let it sit there piling up.

Perhaps taking a look at your outer environment will help you to see what needs releasing or giving back to others what belongs to them.  For example, are you owning responsibility that really isn't yours to hang on to?  Then give it to the person to whom it really belongs.  Are you holding on to old feelings and emotions like you are holding on to those old shoes that don't fit anymore but just can't give them up?  Are you holding on too tightly to a person in your life the way you are holding on to clothes that are too small for you and telling yourself that one day they will fit again?  

Time for a good Fall cleaning.  Now is the perfect time to clean out.  Fall is a time to let the dead things fall way, to sweep out all of the cobwebs.  It is a good time to drop off those boxes to Good Will and let their contents benefit others.  It is a good time to get rid of clothing (and relationships) that are too small and don't fit anymore.  It is a good time to clear out the attic and give to others what belongs to them (both realistically and metaphorically).

Unclutter your inner self and your life.  By doing this you make room for the  many other good things that want to come to you but there wasn't any room.

Start small.  Unclutter one area at a time.  You will find a sense of peace and lightness in the process.  Good luck!

In Light and Love-Always,

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