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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cast off despair and reach out to my Higher Power."

When is enough, enough?  When are we going to stop making ourselves as miserable as possible?

Why do we need to make ourselves as miserable as possible?  What are we punishing ourselves for?  Do we really deserve this type of punishment?  Are we that terrible and horrible that we need to seek out disappointment and failure in order to prove to ourselves that we are?

STOP right there.  STOP!  STOP! STOP!

None of us deserves to live a life of failure because we think we deserve it!  None of us is that heinous that we deserve to punish ourselves over and over again.  None of us is wretched that we deserve to make ourselves miserable for the rest of our lives.

Look at yourself!  What do you see? 

I see a frail human being trying as hard as possible to live a good life.  I see a person with good intentions and a good heart who has lost hope, who has become lost.

Have you forgotten that Universe is on your side?  Have you let go of the cosmic assistance that is available to you?  Don't feel abandoned and alone, because you are not.

Reach out to you Higher Power.  Ask for rescue.  Ask for assistance. 

There are many things that are far larger than ourselves, and alone we flounder and fail.  But the Universe is vast and infinite, and within in this vast infinity, there is hope and goodness and healing and love, above all, love.

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking, "How can I expect a cosmic Universal Higher Power to love me and care for me and help me when I cannot even love, care for or help myself?"

Ah, but there it is.  Universe knows exactly what you are thinking, what is in your heart, even far better than you do.

If someone told you you had a terrible disease, would you seek out help and healing?  One would hope so.  So, what is the difference?  Just because the illness is not physical, but spiritual, doesn't mean there is not a cure, doesn't mean that there is not help and healing.

Turn away from despair, and turn to the ultimate unconditional love in the cosmos-your Higher Power.  Put it all the hands of the Universe, and begin feel whole again, begin to live life again with all of the joy that you deserve.

In Peace, Love and Light-Always,

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