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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will follow my inner knowing and choose what is right for my soul."

Never turn your back on what you  know is right.  Follow your inner knowing and choose, as often as possible, what your soul is telling you.

The soul knows all that you need to know.  The knowledge that you seek is within you.  It is simply a matter of recalling what you already know.  Deep inside your deepest memory, there is all that you will ever need for right living.

The soul has traveled long and far to collect all human experiences and emotions and this information is available for you. 

Go to the soul for what you  need.  Connect deep within and find what you need.

The soul never lies or deceives.   It is all right and true and good.  And it is just that you should seek within for what you already know.

For bringing what you already know into memory, you expand the possibilities for more correct living, for  light to enter you life and to live a more prosperous, enlightened life.

The time is right to take the time from the business of human life and spend time with your soul.  Meditate and ask the soul what is most necessary for you bring into conscious memory so that you may follow its direction, and thus, make progress in human life.

For what is human life without the soul, and what is the soul without human life.  Both exist for one reason only:  To bring the soul back into perfect union with the Original Source of All That Is. 

And when the soul chooses, for the soul always has the choice, to continue in human life or to continue in spirit, it will continue to learn the lessons it needs to reunite with the Source.  Evolution never ceases.  It continues to continue until the continuing stops. 

When that time is, is not determined, for who is to say, "I have learned everything there is to learn, and now I am done"?

So, be content to learn the lessons, be content to do the work for the sake of the soul.

Be well now and always.

In Love and Light-Always,

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