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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will let God out of the box, and deepen my understanding of this cosmic force."

God in a box.

When I was in college, I took a course in comparative religion, and our professor began to talk about God in a box.  I had no idea what this was.  I had never heard of God in a box.  Was it some kind of product?  Some kind of snack or cleanser?  I was clueless.

Then, the more the professor spoke of God in a box, the more the light in my brain lit up, brighter and brighter until, wham, I got it.

I often think of that professor and what he called God in a box, and I have come to really see how each of us has formed our own idea of who or what God is.  We base this God concept on our past, on your family traditions, on our culture, on our training or lack of training as children.

We have formulated a personality of who we think God is.  We have given him humanness and human limitations when, indeed, he is not human or limited at all. 

Each of us only understands a tiny portion of what we know God to be.  And how can we make any real determination about anything without truly knowing what it is?  We can't.

So, instead of limiting the power of God by putting him in a box like a product, open the box and let God out.  Let true love and understanding fill your mind and heart, and truly, maybe for the first time, ask, "Who are you, really?"  Say, "Let me see your work in my life."  Say, "I have no ideas what God is or what a Universal Source is or what All That Is is, but I want to know.  I want to understand.  I want to develop an understanding that I have never had before. 

If we ask, we will begin to understand.  We will begin to get an answer.  And little by little, the cosmic tide will turn, and we will each find out for ourselves what this thing called God or Universal Source or All That Is really is. 

No, I'm sorry, our limited human minds can never comprehend the total of what the Universal Source really is, but we can begin to expand our view of it and embrace it and finally, once and for all, let God out of the box.

In Love and Light-Always,

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