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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will recognize that I am an integral part of the whole cosmos."

Nothing can survive in isolation.  Neither man nor beast nor tree nor stream.  All are necessary for cosmic balance.
What we never consider is that the Universe, the cosmos (of which we are a part), is in perfect balance.  We don't consider it because we are so earth bound, so focused on traffic and jobs and struggle that all looks out of balance in our finite world.
But from a more universal perspective, all is in balance.  And all living things work cooperatively to create that balance.
Ironically, the only things out of balance are the individual lives of man.  Man overcomplicates his life.  Creates struggle where none should exist.
What is it about our species that thrives on disharmony??  Are happier because of it?  Healthier?  More in union with the Divine?  NO!  We are frustrated, angry, chaotic, ill, disgruntled.
Why should this be a way to live?  It shouldn't.
Begin recognizing that each of us is a part of something greater, wider, more cosmic than the chaos that swirls around us and tries to envelop us.  Begin recognizing that we are an integral part of the whole, not the whole itself.  Begin recognizing that we are connected to all other living things around us and the more we work cooperatively with our environment and the people in it, the more in harmony with ourselves and with the Universal Source of All That Is.
So, for today, shed your limited mind set and begin considering things from a more cosmic perspective.  You will begin to feel more alive and more vital and more connected to inner working of the entire cosmos.

In Love and Light-Always,

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