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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, November 3, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will center and ground myself.  I will encase myself in a pyramid of light."
Yesterday I told you about energy leeches and the symptoms that may indicate that your energy is being syphoned from your personal energy field.  I told you that those who leech the energy of others may or may not know they are doing this.  And I also told you that these people could be anyone with whom you come in contact like a family member, colleague, an acquaintance, or even a random individual in a crowd.
Today I would like to give you some insight in how you can protect your own energy and prevent others from taking what is not theirs.
The first step is to identify, if you can, which person may be doing this to you.  If you recognize the person, then you can prepare yourself ahead of time so that when you run into this person, you are protected.  If you aren't sure, you can still protect yourself, especially now when the holiday season is looming and you may be out in a large crowd.
Once you recognize the person or acknowledge that out there in the crowd somewhere (or in your work or home environment) may be someone who may drain you, the next step is to protect yourself from them. 
First, center and ground yourself-stand with both feet planted firmly on the floor (if you can, try this outdoors on the earth). 
Next, being breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Concentrate on your auric field, you energy field.  As you breathe in, pull in your lost or scattered energy.  Feel it returning to you.  Feel it moving back close to your physical body.  Visualize your energy as light, either white or multi-colored.  As you do this, you may feel a sudden increase in energy or a tingling or a slight pressure around you-this is your energy returning.
After you feel a renewed concentration of your own energy, visualize the earth beneath your feet and imagine the gravity of the earth holding you firm, holding you fast to the earth.  You can visualize green energy radiating up from the earth and wrapping itself around your feet and ankles, holding you in place.  The earth energy will supplement your own energy, giving you  more energy to combat the leeching process.
Finally, visualize a strong and powerful impenetrable pyramid of light completely encasing you. Visualize that the walls and floor of the pyramid have outward facing reflective surfaces like mirrors.  The mirrored surface will cause any negative intentions to bounce off and return to the sender.
 For today, work on this technique.  In the following blogs, I will tell you how to protect your work or home environment and how to neutralize the energy of the leeching person.
In Love and Light-Always,

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