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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will try to identify those people who leech my energy and leave me feeling drained."
Have you ever been in the presence of someone, and after they leave (or you leave), you feel absolutely drained?
That is because you have experienced an energy leeching.  There are those that, whether they consciously recognize what they are doing or not, they leech our energy from our personal energy fields.  I call these people energy leeches, but they call also be  called energy suckers, and some people refer to them as energy vampires.  I don't like that term because of the negative connotation of it.
How can you identify these energy leeches?
The first tell-tale sign is a feeling of sudden exhaustion and lethargy after being in their presence.  You might feel suddenly sleepy.  Your limbs may feel heavy.  You might say to yourself, "What is wrong with me?  I feel so drained."
Another sign is a slowing down of your thinking.  Your brain just has a harder time engaging.  You may become indecisive or have difficulty with wording your thoughts.  You may say, "What is that word?  Gee, I just can't seem to recall it."
Yet another sign is irritability.  All of a sudden you feel cranky and pissy.  You give a sharp tongue to those you are speaking with.  You might experience short temperedness.  Or you may become overwhelmed by sudden, inexplicable anger.  You may become impatient.
Not everyone will experience all of these signs all the time, you may experience only one of them.  But the fact remains that some of your energy has been sucked out of you.
The people that do this to us, and remember, they may not even realize they doing it, may be family members, colleagues, casual acquaintances, random people in the crowd, complete strangers. 
Your question, and I know what you are asking, "Yes, but how can I stop this?  What do I do?  How can I protect myself?"
In my next several blog postings, I will discuss how to avoid this leeching.  I will tell you what you can do to protect yourself and what you can do to neutralize the energy of the leeching person.
For now, just be aware that this leeching may be happening, and try to identify, if you can, the specific people who leave you drained each time you spend time with them.
In Love and Light-Always,

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