NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will set a boundary and stick with it.  I will not relent."
One morning, as I looked into the mirror, I saw a woman staring back at me that I did not recognize.  She had my eyes and nose and mouth and hair, but there was something about her that was unrecognizable. 
I stared into her eyes and said to her, "How did we get here?  How did we come to this point where we don't even recognize each other?"  The answer was far simpler than I realized at that moment.  The answer was Boundaries and Limitations.
Over the years, I had modified myself according to what others wanted, what others needed.  I had become, not a better, more mature version of myself, but someone who did not know when to put herself first, to take care of herself.  I became the ultimate doer for others and I atrophied, wrinkled, and dried up inside.  I gave until I didn't even realize what I had done.  This was the woman staring at me in the mirror that morning.
It is essential for our personal health and well-being to determine what our limits and boundaries are.  Before, I thought that by setting boundaries and limitations I was selfish, and that thought made me feel guilty, and it went against everything I had been taught in my very traditional childhood.
But that morning, staring at the stranger in the mirror, I realized that I had been wrong.  I had drawn a line, but that line keep moving farther and farther back until my back was against the wall, and there was nowhere else for me to go.  I was spent.  I had given all that I had and now I had nothing left for myself.
Maybe you recognize this story.  It is a common one.  Maybe this is your story today, right now, and you are wondering, "What the hell do I do now?"
For me, I had to contemplate the empty shell that stared back and ask myself, "How do I fix this?  How do I bring this emotional and spiritual corpse back to life?"  I began to see this person as someone who needed my help, and since I was a helper, I could help her.  I could care about her.  I could nurture her and nurse her back to health.
It took a long time to resurrect her, but it was worth it.  And that is something you need to realize about yourself.  YOU are worth it.  YOU are just as important as everyone else in your life.  In fact, Maybe you are even more important, because if you weren't, no one would have relied on you to do the job for them, to give to them, to do for them at the expense of yourself.
I began with baby steps.  I began with taking a hard look at myself and asking myself, "What do I need ?"  It dawned on me that the invisible lines that were my boundaries no longer existed, and I needed to reestablish them.  Slowly, I began to say 'No," or "I'd like to but it isn't a good time for me now."  Slowly, I began to focus more on myself and become more consciously aware of my own energy level and what was best for me.
I knew I would piss off some people with my new focus.  And I did.  Those who had always been used to me doing for them without question, became angry and said some lousy things, but I shielded myself, and realized that they did this because I would no longer allow them to use the manipulation they had always used to get me to do what they wanted.  Little by little. however, as I stuck to  my guns, they relented, but they tried different techniques to manipulate me into giving in to their needs.  I held steadfast.  Eventually, the dust settled, they relented, and I recovered.
I have found, that if I am not vigilant, that I can get myself right back into that situation if I am not careful.  Recently, I made a pact with myself.  I created two categories:  Essential and Nonessential.
Each day I take the time to evaluate what is essential for me and what is nonessential.  I let go of the nonessential and focus on the essential.  So far, I have managed to keep myself focused and free of all kinds of commitments that would deplete my energy and commitment to my priorities.
I want this story to be a testament to you that if this is your story too, you can resurrect yourself.  You can give yourself a chance to recoup your losses.  You must be brave, however, because people will resent that you are finally maintaining a boundary, and are saying NO.  But don't relent out of guilt.  Hold steadfast to your commitment to have a boundary. 
Give it a try.  Try one incident, maybe with a colleague, since you have less invested in a relationship with a colleague than with a family member or close friend.  Stick to it and see what happens.  Let the results empower you.  If they get pissed off, then you know you are doing the right thing.
Good luck.  I will send healing and powerful energy your way to help you maintain your boundary and your steadfastness to it.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will work toward my own enlightenment and those who need the Light."
"All men are created in the form of the One and this means that within man, in his deepest core, is an essence of Divinity. 
Man has strayed far from the Divine Self whom he once knew.  It is our hope that man will reconnect with his Divine Self and come closer to who he was meant to be.
Consciousness is changing, but it is changing slowly.  But we will see in a short time, according to Universal time, an increase in the consciousness of the planet.
There will be events that will occur that will heighten the awareness of all.  We, in the realm above, will allow these events because man needs a kick start.
Man's overall awareness is still low, and by allowing certain events to occur, we bring man closer together into one species instead of separated by divisions that only man has created.
We counsel you to be steadfast and to form a unity with others.
Those of you who are Lightworkers, who are enlightened, shall be relied upon to help those who are lesser in consciousness than yourselves.  It is our hope that the wise shall lead the ignorant and through the wisdom of the Light, the ignorant shall gain the Light.
We are allowing events that will not change the course of earth history, but change the course of man's history.
We choose to inform you of these so that you can better prepare yourselves.  We want man to continue his journey upon the earth, but with a higher consciousness and more of a connection to his species.
Be steadfast, and seek wisdom in all things.
Evaluate your own lives and see where you can make adjustments and bring more light into the dark places of your hearts and minds and spirits.
Release old and outmoded emotions.  Let go of grudges, for a time will come when you will need to assist those that you have formed grudges against.
Do not worry for you well being for the Universe will always take care of you.
We bring these messages to you today, not to overly worry or concern you, but to alert you to begin or continue modifying your consciousness and awareness.
It is our role in the angelic realm to oversee the history and events of man.  It is our role to give guidance and support where we can and assist man in his planetary journey.
It is our hope that man will embrace his union with man.  And through this planetary union, man will survive to live long on the planet and prosper and raise his consciousness. 
Push yourselves to always form an understanding of others, for in understanding others, you better understand yourselves.
We love you greatly and support your continued growth and enlightenment.  It is not our purpose to bring bad news to you, but to bring enlightening information that you can use to better yourselves.
So go now be enlightened and work and live in the Light.  Pray for those living in ignorance that they may open their minds to let the light shine through.
This is all we have to say to you today.
Be well and know that you are always blessed.  There has never been a time when you have not been blessed or overseen by the Light and love of the Universe Source of All That Is.
We love you dearly, be well and prosper in the Light.  Now and always.  As it has always been."
Angels of the Principalities.
In Light and Love-Always,

Friday, August 29, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will create something some nothing.  I will manifest that which good and true and pure and for my highest and greatest good."
"In the beginning of time which has no beginning, middle, or end, there was nothing but the energy and power of the universe.  And this energy infused all that there was and created something from nothing.
It is our hope that you will recognize that from nothing, you cab create something of great value.  All things and beings have power and energy, and when you combine all forces of energy:  mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy into one entity, then you have a powerful resource for manifesting that which can come into physical being.
This is our message to you today:  Create something from nothing.  Recognize that you are a powerful spiritual being with powerful thoughts and you have the capacity to manifest all that is necessary for your personal and spiritual growth.
Look above and beyond where you stand currently and see the larger view of your life.  Focus on the highest and best good you can imagine and then manifest it.
The great Universal Source of All That Is supports your growth and encourages you to come closer and closer to your true spiritual self. 
Rely on all of resources available to you to create the life that you want.  Work always for the highest and greatest good of all, and share your blessings with others.
In this we hold steadfast for we want what is best for you.  We love you much and thus we bring this message to you today.
Slough off the dead scales of inactivity and outmoded thinking.  Rise above the petty thinking that surrounds you.  Recognize that you are a powerful individual and the Universe supports your growth and enlightenment.  Worry not about those who seek to tether you to the lower levels of consciousness, for they cannot do so unless you allow it.  Do not allow it.  Keep your head and eyes up, focus on that which is Good and True and Pure.
Be blessed always as you truly are.  Bring light into your life and share it with others.
We counsel you in this because we love and care about you.
-The Angels of the Principalities-"

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be grateful for the knowledge and wisdom I have gained in my life journey."
A Tarot Story
Part End
One afternoon,  the youth came upon a place that he had seen before, long before when he first stepped out onto the road.  He saw an old, familiar gnarled tree at the side of clear, calm, slow-flowing river, and realized that he was thirsty.  He took his old tin cup and reached over the edge of the bank to fill it with cool water.

As he dipped his cup into the river, he saw a face reflected there that he had not seen before.  The hair gray and thinning.  The face was leathery and wrinkled, but the eyes were peaceful and wise and kind.  He smiled at the face, and the face smiled back.  
He brought the cup to his lips and noticed, for the first time, that his hands slightly shook.  He sat down with his back against the ancient tree and stretched out his legs.  He reached down and stroked the head of the faithful old dog who had traveled the long road with him.  He folded his hands in his lap, closed his eyes, and said, “This journey was a good journey.  I have come full circle.  I have learned much and I am happy and satisfied.”
Every day is journey and every day's journey creates a lifetime journey.  And every lifetime journey makes up our soul journey.  And like the youth in the story, we encounter many experiences that contribute to our growth and bring us knowledge and wisdom.
It is this wisdom and knowledge that helps us walk the long road and navigate through the tough terrain.  So although you may not be grateful for the difficulties in your life, be grateful for what you have learned because of them.
In Light and Love-Always,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will look beyond illusion and see the reality."
A Tarot Story
Part V
He applied his great insight to his own journey.  He remembered times of toil and times of rest; times of ease and times of struggle; times of ignorance and times of deep understanding.  He smiled, nodded his head, and said aloud, “From now on, I will strive for balance in all things.”  And he did strive for balance.  He found his journey more satisfying, more enriching.  He found himself more peaceful, more serene.

But, despite these new insights, there were times when the lower aspects of his character interfered with his journey. He experienced anger, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment.  Sometimes he acted with selfishness and conceit and arrogance.  Sometimes he acted hurtfully to others and caused them pain or grief.  This hurt him too, for the journey was an important one, and this darker side of himself caused him setbacks and brought him to a standstill.  He knew this was not what he wanted.  He knew he needed to rise above his own primitive aspects of self.
On a particularly clear night, as he was camped on a plain, he looked up into the dark blue sky.  The brilliance of the stars overwhelmed him.  He was in awe.  He began to count how many of them he saw, then he realized how great the universe was and how the number of stars was uncountable.  He felt small and insignificant under the heavens.  Just then a star arced through the sky-a shooting star.  He took it as a sign, a word, a message, a gift from the Universe.  He felt blessed and inspired. 
That night, under the beauty of the night sky, he fell asleep and dreamed of many things.  He dreamed of trees that turned into spirit forms; he dreamed of whispering rocks and songful streams; he dreamed of roads that turned into rivers. 
In the morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, he woke with his dreams still fresh in his conscious awareness.  He contemplated them.  He saw them anew, not in the light of the moon which cast an unreal veil over his thoughts, but in the bright light of day.  He was able to interpret them.  To see them as representations of his long and sometimes arduous journey.  He knew then that Universe had shown him the difference between appearance and reality.  This was great wisdom, and he vowed  that he would look upon the world with new eyes and do his best to separate what he thought was real from what he knew he was real. 
This was a great asset to him as he continued his travels.  He was better able to assess and evaluate with greater clarity.  He was able to make wiser, more informed choices and decisions.  He was able to judge what he had previously perceived to be truth from what was actual truth.
Dear Friends. there are many illusions out there; we encounter them everyday.  Many even live their lives in total illusion, rejecting or ignoring or be unaware that their lives are an illusion.
Let me counsel you to strive for the reality.  Perhaps it may not be as glamorous as the illusion, but it is truer and purer and, of course, realer.  It is only in reality that we can progress.  We must begin somewhere, sometime.
Ask the Universe to assist with shedding the illusions with which you have lived and bring reality into your consciousness.  By doing this, you illuminate your mind and your spirit, you are given the opportunity to release those things that have caused blockages in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life.
This may not be an easy task for you, but I encourage you not to turn your face away; embrace the enlightenment that Universe offers you, for what is waiting for you is much, much better than what you have now.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will open my mind and heart and spirit to the Universe and receive Divine Wisdom."
A Tarot Story
Part IV
He knew that all would turn out the way that it should regardless of the outcome.  He felt confident that what was meant for him to encounter and overcome, he would encounter and overcome.  He knew that his journey would continue to bring him more wisdom and more enlightenment.
He also recognized that there might be times when he might have to make sacrifices for what he believed was his true cause:  to continue the journey and progress.  He was not afraid, for he understood that sacrifice for a worthy cause was both necessary and valuable.
The young man continued many days and months on his journey.  One day, as he walked serenely along on a ill-worn path through a forest, his dog trotting by his side, he was suddenly struck by the beauty of the wilderness.  A bright flash of insight burst into his mind:  All life is a cycle-a cycle of birth and growth and death and rebirth.
He though of the trees.  The seeds drop, nestle into the soil, and grow.  He thought of the stream and its journey from raindrop to sea.
This flash of insight caused him to consciously embrace the cycle of life and death.  Life could not exist without death, and death could not exist without life.  Both are necessary.  Both create balance.  And without balance, chaos would ensue.
As we walk along the path of our personal journey, we can't help but gain wisdom, for wisdom is all around us.  We just need to open our hearts, and minds, and spirits to receive it.
All of Universe is available to us, we just need to ask Universe to show it to us, to remind us of it, for it has touched our lives many times, but like the fool, we were too early in the journey to see it.  But now, we have walked the walk and are ready to put the pieces of the puzzle together and see the larger picture...........And it is beautiful.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, August 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will slow down my pace and find the time for introspection."
A Tarot Story
Part III
It took a great deal of inner strength for him to do this.  Some days he had to tame the lion within, wrestle it to the ground and subdue it.  Other days, it wasn’t inner strength he needed, but physical strength, for the terrain was sometimes demanding or treacherous.
One late afternoon, he found himself stumbling.  He was tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed.  He needed to rest; he needed to regain his strength of body, mind, and spirit. He looked for a place to lay his weary body.
Not far from the path he was following, he saw an impression in the rocky hillside.  It was a small cave.  He found it to be warm and dry and uninhabited.  He thought, “This is a good place to rest.”  He rested there for some days, rejuvenating himself and evaluating his travels.
He thought over how far he had come and how far he still might go.  He thought about all that he had learned and all the skills he had gained.  He began to see a pattern in all of the events that had taken place.  He realized that his journey had been a series of causes and effects, actions and reactions.
After some days, renewed and enlightened, the youth took to the road once again, eager to resume his travels.
There is a time for all things.  There is a time for action and there is also a time for rest.  There is a time for moving forward, and there is a time for staying still. 
As Americans, we are conditioned to go, go, go, rush, rush, rush.  Never stop.  It's always about more, more, more.
But how healthy is this?  It's not.  One must rejuvenate.  One must give himself time to process everything he has learned or done.  It is necessary for us, once in a while, to just withdraw and recoup our losses and refill our energy.  We're like batteries, if we get completely used up, then there is nothing left to give.
So, dear friends, take the time to withdraw, rest, process what has been happening in your life.  By doing this, you are doing yourself a great justice and kindness, and in the end, you will be far better off than if you just keep on going like the Energizer rabbit.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will master myself by honoring both the active and passive sides of my nature."

A Tarot Story:  Part II
The youth had many adventures in which he could conventional methods and ways of thinking, but other adventures dictated that he would have to use unconventional means and unconventional thinking to move forward.
One day, as he and his dog rested by a brook at the side of the road eating bread and cheese, a profound thought occurred to him.  He realized that each adventure required two things:  an idea and an action, and one without the other wouldn’t get him anywhere.  He realized that the more passive side of himself, his thinking, couldn’t accomplish anything unless the active side of himself carried it out.  As all of this dawned on him, he made the decision to take greater care to be more fully conscious of his two sides and to use them to his greatest advantage.
There were days, however, when despite all of the knowledge and wisdom he had gained so far, the young man was at war with himself.  Part of him wanted to go one way and another part of him wanted to go another way.  He needed to find a way to better master himself, to pull these very different forces together  cooperatively if he was to make any further progress. 
In order to honor ourselves, we must acknowledge the two very different sides of our own nature-the passive and the active.  The passive side is the feminine and the active side is the masculine.
The feminine side govern ideas and creativity and the need for beauty in our lives.  It is the side that says, "I have a great ideas!"  It is the side that says, "I would love to have that."  It is the side that says, "This looks/smells/tastes/sounds/feels/seems beautiful and I would like to create it."
The masculine side governs action and organization and structure.  It is the side that says, "If you have a good idea, I can manifest it," and then works toward manifesting.  It is the side that says, "If you would like to have that, I can get it for you," and then takes action to acquire it-whatever it is.  It is the side that says, "What a great idea!  I will make it for you."
So, in order to maintain balance within ourselves, we must bring these two opposite forces-the masculine and feminine-into accord with each other.  This is what is meant by honoring the self:  giving each side of ourselves a voice and an opportunity to work cooperatively together.
In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace my journey, no matter where it takes me."

A Tarot Story
Part I

Once there was an inexperienced young man who decided to leave his family, safety, and security, and strike out on his own.  He packed all of his few belongings, picked up his walking stick, called his faithful dog, and set out on his journey. 
The young man had never left home before and had no real knowledge of the world, nor did he have any experience with traveling.  He seemed to have no viable skills, for he had not time to develop any. 
Despite all of this, the young man stepped onto the road with the mindset that he would encounter wonderful adventures.   Any problems he might encounter, the thought, he would deal with as they arose.
What the young man did not know as he set out was that somewhere, deep within himself, he had everything that he needed to be successful on his journey.  He hadn’t realized this because those skills had never been honed or tested.
As the young man journeyed into uncharted territory, he sensed that he was missing something, something he just quite couldn’t put his finger on.  At times, he lost his way and had to retrace his steps.  Other times he was frustrated because some of the things he encountered, he didn’t understand.  It wouldn’t be until the end of the journey, that retrospectively, he would understand. 
For now, he would have to rely on his creative thinking and problem solving.  He had to embrace the idea that he alone was the master of his journey, and if he didn’t find a creative approach, no one would do it for him, for he was on his own. 
Each day is a journey unto itself, and each daily journey adds to our lifetime journey.  And although we all begin as "The Fool," as we travel the road, we gain everything we need to come finally come full circle. 
Don't be afraid of your journey; embrace it. 
In Love and Light-Always


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will set my expectations at a reasonable, realistic, and attainable level."

Sometimes it is not our capability, it is our expectation.  Many of us may be overachievers, and as a result, we tend to set expectations a little to high.  This leads to disappointment and self condemnation when we don't meet the expectations.

In reality, it is the expectation that is unreasonable or unrealistic.  So, there is nothing wrong with you, there is something wrong with your expectations.

Try bringing it down a notch and set expectations that are both realistic and attainable.  In this way, you will meet what you set out to do and be encouraged by doing so.  Once the expectation is met, then set another one.

Also, be careful of your expectations of others.  Is what you are asking reasonable?  attainable?  realistic?  Contemplate this.  Maybe what you are asking of others, they just cannot meet.  And how fair is that?

Consider all the facts surrounding what you are asking.  And set expectations accordingly.  The more realistic and reasonable your expectations, the less you will be disappointed when they higher expectations are not met.

So, for today, set expectations at a reasonable, realistic, and attainable level, and then work toward them.  You will find much more success, and thus, be more encouraged to continue setting reasonable expectations.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, August 18, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I appreciate all of those teachers who have given me the opportunity to become the person I am today."

Soon, very soon, where I live, it is today, teachers and students will return to the classroom for another season of teaching and learning.

So many people that I meet ask me what I do.  I teach children.  Most people either (a) ask me what I teach and when I tell them, they say they weren't very subject at my subject-English, or (b) they shake their heads and say, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Being a teacher is a special job.  No one goes into teaching because they have no skills; people go into teaching because they have a genuine passion for the subject they teach.  They go into teaching because they have a desire to pass on all of the knowledge they have accumulated to others, and what a better audience than a group of students to whom they are committed.  They have a dedication to not only being the passer on of knowledge, but the role model, the mentor, the guide, maybe even the only responsible adult in the child's life.

This is Lightwork.  And yes, it is difficult.  It is difficult for several reasons.  (1) It requires skill to balance all of the different personalities that walk into the classroom.  Some teachers, like elementary school teachers, may only have 25-35 students in one day, but middle and high school teachers (I am a high school teacher) have anywhere from 125+.  (Last year I had 131.)  That is a lot of people to interact with within a small space and in a short time.

These students come in each with a history of their own, they come in with emotional or mental or behavioral baggage that the teacher is expected to manage and overcome in order to get the student to master the lessons.

These students come in with different cultural traditions and belief systems.  A teacher must put aside her own traditions and beliefs and be unbiased.  She must treat all students fairly.

These students come in, some of them, hungry, sleepy, cranky, afraid, insecure, hostile, angry, resentful, rebellious......The teacher must break through each of these barriers in order to do her job. 

These students come in with either high expectations or no expectations at all.  It is up to the teacher to create an expectation for each student and then help the student achieve it.

How many teachers do I know who keep snacks in their desks, and if a kid is hungry, hands them a package of crackers.  How many teachers do I know who has taken a kid outside the classroom to talk to him about his behavior only to have the student burst into tears and say that his parents are going through a divorce and fought all night and he couldn't sleep and he is exhausted and he can't think straight and that's why he grades have dropped and that is why he was acting out.

 How many teachers do I know who have to stop the lesson periodically to say a silent prayer for patience because her resources have been tapped out.  How many teachers do I know who know what's best for her students, but the district in which she teachers says she must enact certain "silly" mandates that make no sense at all, and they are not necessarily the best mandates for kids.  But despite all these odds, teachers teach them well nonetheless.

And here is a secret:  Not everyone can be a teacher and not all teachers are true teachers.  Sure, anyone with proper training can learn to run a class, can learn a curriculum and pass it on.  BUT, a REAL teacher is born a teacher.  She has always wanted to be a teacher, has always been a teacher, will always be a teacher until the day she retires.  These teachers are rare, but they do exist, and if a student is lucky enough to have one of these blessed teachers, then he is indeed, lucky.

So, dear friends, don't look down on us.  Don't feel sorry for us.  Don't criticize us.  Support us.  We are teaching and guiding your children into their futures.  We give them what they need to have careers better than ours.  Acknowledge the hard work we do and the hours we spend preparing and grading and planning, so that your child can have the best possible experience.  Respect us for our desire to help children and for our knowledge and wisdom.

The next time you hear a person say she/he is a teacher, just shake her/his hand, and say, "Thank you."

In Love and Light-always,

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will invest in children, for they are the new enlightened beings who will change the course of the planet and elevate the planetary consciousness."

The children of our generation are a more enlightened group of people than we were.  They will have a pivotal impact on the future of the planet and the future of the consciousness of the planet.  Our children, who we have taught to fight through difficulty, will view the world from a much wider perspective than we did. 
They will feel a stronger injustice about the damage that has been done by past generations and try to right it.  They will see a stronger connection between man and his planet.  They will reject the socially accepted course of their futures and will choose futures that are more in tune with humanitarianism. 
This generation will produce more careers that service careers.  They will choose these careers over money making careers.  This generation will also do much more volunteer work for the good of others than previous generations.
The children of our children, our grandchildren, will be the ones who tip the scales and make a reverberating impact on the direction that the planet and its people will take.  These special children, many of whom have yet to be born, will fight the good fight.  They will stand up and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. 
This generation will further the work that their parents have done.  There will be a shift from the material world to the more mental/spiritual world.  They will be the ones who will most clearly see the interrelationship of cause and effect and the impact it has had on the globe.
They will organize large scale rescues, return to a more homeopathic path, replant the planet, and bring balance to the planet.  They will do more pro bono work.  They will move out of cities into more rural areas and cultivate the soil with their own crops in order to be self-sustaining.  They will gather in small communities and form cooperatives.  They will bring back the barter system.
The children of these children, our great-grandchildren, will create stability for what their parents have created.  They will maintain the balance of the planet.  At this time, we will see (none of us will, of course, because we will have passed on and only be looking down from the Great Beyond) a greater utilization of the natural world.  They will seek solutions, not through the rape of the planet's resources, but through new alternatives.  They will create a greater sense of small community.  They will make the best of what they have got.
And it is this generation that will bring forth the following generation who will continue to work for the planet and people and ensure the longevity of both.
Beyond this generation, I can't see.  This is all that Universe has shown me. 
So, dear friends, our race is ensured survival through our progeny.  This is incredibly encouraging because our generation has seen so much that has led us to believe that we are on the brink of destruction, and indeed we are if changes are not made.  Yes, things are changing slowly, but they will change for the better.
In Light and Love-Always,

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will fight against and dispel illusion.  I will embrace reality.  In this way will I progress."

Now is the time to separate illusion from reality.  Those who have impure motives have perpetuated an illusion to prevent you from making progress.

The illusion is strong and powerful and many have fallen under this false reality.

Search your heart for what you know is reality and shed the illusion.

By embracing reality and rejecting illusion, you bring yourself into awareness.  And it is that awareness that benefits you.

Living in illusion does nothing for you.  Allowing others to conjure illusion and then following the false leader just leads you into the bog where you will flounder and drown.

Struggling for enlightenment, struggling for awareness, struggling against illusion is a noble and honorable battle.

Beware of false experts. Be your own expert.  All you need is what is in your heart.  All you need is pure intention.

And if those who recognize the illusion band together and fight collectively for reality, then the consciousness of the planet will be revitalized.

Don't ever think that illusion is better because it is easier.  Those things that are most worth it, are those things worth fighting for and struggling against.  At the end of the battle, you may be worn, you may be bloody, but you will be happy, for you have overcome.

In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, August 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will claim my place as a citizen of the earth.  I will embrace the natural world and bring more of the natural world into my manmade environment."

The spirit of the Universe is in all things.  And all living things emit an energy that makes them alive.  And it is this interplay of energy that keeps the earth in balance.

It is our supreme duty as citizens of the earth to respect that balance and to ensure that the balance continues.

The more we break down the natural world and fill it with synthetic structures, the less living energy exists. The less living energy exists, the more out of balance the earth becomes.  And the more out of balance the earth is, the more precarious our existence on it.

I applaud those who marvel and support and explore the natural world, those who try to understand it.  They have a special relationship with the planet and the Universe.  They are advocates of the natural world.  And we should applaud their efforts. 

With the technology of computers and television, they are able to bring what they have learned to a mass audience.  This is Lightwork.  They are compelled to share their knowledge in hopes to better educate those who know little or nothing about their subjects, in turn, this makes us better informed citizens of the earth.

So, for today, embrace your citizenship of the earth.  Tune in to the natural environment around you.  If you live in an urban area where there are more synthetic structures than natural environment, I encourage you to bring the natural world into your home or work space.  Put a plant on your desk, create a balcony flower garden, place a potted tree in your entryway.  Decorate your home with art you can make yourself using stones and rocks, branches, driftwood, pine cones, etc.

When you surround yourself with the natural world, when you bring some of the natural world into your manmade existence, you honor the planet and bring more harmony into your own living space.

In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will practice the word "No" and put myself first."

When is enough enough?  How much must we take before we absolutely implode?  And how did we let it get this far?

Because we are good people and because we care about others and because we don't want to hurt others, we sometimes put ourselves in uncomfortable positions to always do for others at the expense of ourselves.

When we fail to say "No," then we get into trouble.  It is not our job to always say "Yes."  It is not our job to always solve the issues of others or do someone a favor.

When we constantly come to the rescue of others, when we constantly are doing favors for others, when we constantly say "Yes," then we deplete ourselves.  We become resentful.  We feel taken advantage of.

This is when we should know it is time to draw the line and be steadfast in patrolling it.  It's all about boundaries.  The boundaries that we set are for ourselves, to keep us safe, to keep us in check, to keep us from depleting our own personal resources.

So, think about your boundaries.  Where are you going to draw the line?  Maybe you don't even have one, or maybe you have moved your line so far back that now you find yourself with your back against the wall and nowhere else to go.

If this is the case.  Push that line outward.  Give yourself some breathing room.  Say, "No, I can't do that," or "It's not a good time," or "I'd like to but I just can't right now.  Thank you of thinking of me."

It is time to reclaim your territory, by replying one NO at a time.  In this way, you conserve resources, avoid resentment, and stay true to yourself.

So, for today, consider your boundaries and where you may need to repair them.  Today, tell one person who asks you to go out of your way at your own expense, "NO."  They'll eventually get over it.

Move forward in support of yourself, always remembering that you deserve balance and harmony, and that your health and well-being are important.  Put yourself first today.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be a leader."
If you are a leader, then be a leader.  Never be afraid to put yourself out there, especially if you have talents and capabilities that will help others.
Having leadership capabilities is a gift from the Universe.  Somebody has got to take the lead, so why not you!  If you have a good idea, voice it.  If you have a plan, develop it.  If you have a conviction, speak out.  If you have a belief, stand up. 
There are many out there who are in positions of leadership and sometimes I wonder how they got there.  They hold a position of authority, but they don't actually lead; they bully, they micromanage, they threaten.
This is not leadership, not at all.
Leadership is an art.  Leadership should be used for the highest good of all concerned. 
So, my dear potential leaders, if you gifted with this talent, maybe it is time to move into it, time to step up, time to show them what you've got.
Now, go out there, and lead!
In Love and Light,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cultivate a willingness to move forward."

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step."-Lao-Tzu
The very first step in manifesting what we want is to have a willingness.  If our hearts are willing, then Universe will see to it that it begins to manifest.
If we are never willing or if we are afraid, then the journey is stunted right at the outset.
So, if there something important to you, then take the first step by opening your heart and cultivating a willingness.  Allow the Universe to work in your life.
Willingness.  So simple.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, August 11, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I take an active role in manifesting my future."
How can we expect to make any progress if we are not willing to put in the work?  Bringing oneself back into balance or , living harmoniously, and receiving gifts from the Universe requires that we do something.
It requires that we get off the sofa and actively begin manifesting what we want.
Sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves or just wishing and hoping does us no good at all.  If anything, it interferes with all that Universe has to give us.
Can you imagine someone saying to you, "Hey, I have this great gift for you.  I really, really, really want you to have it, no strings attached.  I just want you to have it because I know you will love it and it will make you happy." 
And then you say, "Oh, no thanks."  Then in the same breath, you say, "Gee, I wish I had...."
Well, this is what is happening when you refuse to take part in manifesting what Universe has for you.  This is what you are saying when you sit on the sofa and complain about NOT having what you want.
So, for today, make a decision to make a change in your thinking and ACT.  Actively manifest that which you want, that which is important to you.  Let Universe bless you with all that it has for you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"I release _____ from my life.  I am free."

We have all had the experience of having to let go of a relationship.  Some of us have had to let go of spouses or family members or friends. 

It is extremely difficult to go through this process of letting go.  It is painful and heart wrenching.  And emotions,some of which we didn't know we were capable, bubble up from deep inside of us.  They rise, like volcanic magma, from the root chakra, and completely fill us:  anger, resentment, bitterness, sadness, despair, sorrow, frustration.

It is extremely difficult to process all of this emotion.  We want to cry and scream and yell and throw things, and punch things.  We want to strike back, hurt the person who has hurt us.

So, what do we do?  How can we deal with this type of pain and hurt?

One way we can work through this difficulty process is to include a "Burning and Releasing Ceremony." 

What you need:

  • An outdoor location that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed
  • A medium/large ceramic or glass bowl in which you can safely burn paper
  • A sheet of paper and a pen or pencil
  • Dried white sage
  • A lighter or some other safe way to ignite flame
  • A large glass of water (just in case)
This is what you do:

  • On the sheet of paper, write down exactly what or who you want to release from you life.  Write it very simply and clearly.  As you are writing down what you want to release, forom a clear mental picture of it in your mind.
  • Fold the paper in half or quarters.
  • Light the sage.
  • Holding the burning sage in one hand and your paper in the other, use the sage to ignigte the paper.
  • Place both the burning sage and paper in the bowl.
  • Let it completely burn until nothing is left but ash.  If it fire goes out, then simply relight it.
  • Say this or something similar:  "I release (fill in the blank) from my life.  I release him/her with the purest intention and  for the highest good of both of us.May this energy be cleansed and return to me tenfold as positive and loving energy.  I ask this in the name of all that is good and true and pure in the Universe."  Repeat this several times.
  • Once the paper and sage is nothing but ash, you have several choices:  (1) Take the ash and scatter it in your garden or on any green living area.  (2)  Release the ashes into the air (this is good on a windy day).  
  • Repeat the above wording.
  • Done.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will actively work toward letting go and healing myself."

This morning, I would like to share some wisdom from my daughter who just turned twenty.  She, like many of us, has had to let go of a long term relationship.  The choice was her own.  I have watched her go through the long, emotional, and painful process of letting go.

I have been witness to each step she has taken and each piece of hard-fought progress and wisdom she has gained. 
The other day, I happened to be on her social media page and discovered this post.  This is a tremendous amount of wisdom for a twenty year old. 

          "Everyone deserves a second chance & we owe it to ourselves to try. Sometimes we 
           even go as far as fourth and fifth chances but somewhere along the lines we'll realize            
           that the only way to fix things is to walk away. I know in my heart that it's for the better        
           and I'm grateful for the things I've learned throughout that relationship. And so  
           begins  a new chapter of this crazy thing called life."

I wanted to share this with you this morning, because you may need this wisdom.  You may be going through your own break up and need guidance and insight.
I hope that these wise words of a twenty year old girl help you and soothe you and give you hope and courage.

In Love and Light-Always,