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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be ready to receive the complete blessings of the Universe."

We all get distracted from our main goal.  Sometimes we are required to detour, to take a break, to gain experience before we can move one.  Sometimes we need to leave it for awhile, so that when we come back to it, we are renewed in our dedication to it.

Evaluate whether or not you have detoured from that which you truly want to manifest in your life.

Pick up the thread and begin the journey anew.  Recommit to the goal, and work at it with vigor. 

Universe speaks:

That which you want is ready to manifest for you in peaceful ways.  Be ready to receive it by letting go of the clutter in your life.  Universe has many blessings, but you must be willing to give p those things and ideas that have filled up but do not satisfy you. 

Your soul is longing for something better, and Universe knows what it is, as you do.  For you have put much thought and work into manifesting it.

Now the time is ripe to open the gate and let the blessings of Universe enter your life.

You will be surprised at the wonderful gifts Universe has for you, better than you could have imagined for yourself.

Universe has big plans for you, so be ready to move out of your comfort zone and out of a mundane life and be ready to move ahead unafraid.  The time is ripe to move forward with your life.  And Universe supports all the preparation that you have done and is.

Open you heart and mind and spirit.  Little by little you will see the fruits of your labor.  You will be able to finish the projects that  you have started and these will bring you great reward, both in self satisfaction as well as in financial reward. 

Universe will pour blessings, more that you have thought, into your life and the lives of your loved one.

So dear brothers and sisters, be well and be ready for the showering of blessings.

In the name of all that is good and true and pure, in the name of the One. of All That Is


In Love and Light-Always,

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