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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin bringing peace and serenity into my life."
Strive for peace in your life.  Work toward removing those influences that are a blockage to peace.  I'm talking about old issues that are unresolved, old relationships that you have been hanging onto because you are afraid to let go.    The more you let go, the greater the sense of peace you will have because your heart and mind will no longer be occupied with thinking about them.
If you have a deep hearted desire to let go and to bring greater peace into your life, put it out to the Universe.  Ask the Universe to help you let go in a peaceful way.  Ask Universe to fill your heart and mind and sprit and life with peace and with serenity.
Ask Universe to show you he way to peace and then follow the road Universe shows you.  I you ask, Universe will show you the way.  Universe will provide what you need to reach a place of peace in your life.
So, for today, focus on peace.  Ask for peace.  Invite peace into your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

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