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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin to more closely listen to, trust, and follow my intuition."
When you review your last two years, you may notice that they have been two years of letting go, clearing out, and of insights, illuminations, and awakenings.
Yes, you are absolutely on the right track.  This is what Universe has intended for you.  The consciousness on the planet is rising, improving, and you are a part of it. 
Now is the time to further explore and advance your knowledge and wisdom and skill.  Now is the time to turn inward to your intuition and listen more closely to it and follow it. 
Trust what your intuition is telling.  The intuition is the Universe's primary mode of communication with us.  It is that small knowing, that small voice that speaks to us, that hits us in the solar plexus or bursts like a flash of light behind our eyes.
The more you rely on this Universal form of communication, the more attuned you will become to it, and thus, the more it will be developed.  Think of your intuition as a muscle.  The more a muscle is exercised, the stronger and more well defined it becomes.
So, for today, make a commitment to listen to and follow your intuition.  If you are need of a guide or teacher to help you further develop your intuition or to explore your areas of interest, then ask the Universe and one will come to you.
In Love and Light-Always,

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