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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will stop all self-criticism and self-condemnation and become who I want to be."

We are all far too critical of ourselves.  We deem ourselves unworthy.  We compare ourselves to others and then condemn ourselves because we feel we feel others have or do what we don't have or can't/don't do.

STOP this right now.

Stop the self-condemnation ad self-criticism. Stop comparing yourself and your life to others.

Readjust your focus on yourself only and wok toward what is important to you.  Accept yourself for what you are.  If there are elements of yourself or our life with which you are unsatisfied, work toward changing them.

Accept a complement for a change instead of denying yourself the praise.

Shake off those old habits like a dusty overcoat and begin changing your thinking about yourself.

If you don't do it, who will?  You deserve a life without the gallows standing in the background.

free yourself right now by making a promise to yourself that you will STOP self-criticism and self-condemnation and comparison to others.  Just do you.  Be you.  And if you are not sure of who you are, then begin your journey of discovery today.  Don't wait.  Do it now because there is a wonderful person inside of you dying to get out and enjoy the world.  Give yourself permission to come out of yourself and start living a free and satisfying life.

In Love and Light-Always,

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