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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will continue to tie up loose ends and manifest the future of my choice."

2015 is the final year in a three year cycle.  2013, the first year, was a year of scaling back of letting go of the superfluous-that which is certainly unnecessary.  2014, the second year, was a year of tying up loose ends from the previous year and beginning to manifest a more beneficial future.  This year, 2015, is the year to make those manifestations manifest.

So if you have any loose ends, like outstanding bills, home repairs, unresolved issues or relationships, this is the year to settle them.  This way you can look to your future with nothing holding you back.

It is also a good time for self reflection.  Look back.  See where you have been and determine where you want to go.  Create a road map for yourself, and then follow it.  There is a wonderful line in the very first Harry Potter film where Hagrid says to Harry, "Stick to your ticket, Harry."

In a wider sense, what he means is once you have a determined destination, do all you can to get there.  Keep you eyes on the prize, as they say (whoever "they" are).  The more focused you are on the final destination, the less you will be sidetracked, and the more quickly your destination will manifest.

By the time we reach 2016, all systems should be go and the road will be clear enough for you to move right on into all that you have worked toward.

If you missed out on the opportunities afforded you in 2013 and 2014, don't despair, you may have to work a little harder to catch up, but you can still set yourself up for prosperity and success in the coming year.

In Love and Light-Always,

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