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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider the existence of angels and their presence in my life."
Here is a little true/false quiz for you today.
1-I believe in the existence of angels.
2-I have never really angels much thought or consideration before.
3-I have seen examples in my life of unexplained happenings or coincidences.
4-When our loved ones pass over, they become angels.
5-All angels are guardian angels.
Whether or not you believe in angels, angels exist.  They are celestial beings created out of the unconditional love of the Universal Source of All That Is to assist, guide, and protect mankind. 
Angels are at work in our lives all the time.  Our guardian angels look over us and protect us every day.  They step in to minimize the damage that could occur if they were not there.  Haven't you ever said to yourself, "It could have been so much worse?" 
Guardian angels are subtle and work through a variety of means.  They can work through other people or through events.  They can communicate their messages through dreams or through music or a scene on television or in a magazine.  There is no end to the way that they can communicate with us.  So, keep your eyes open for these "coincidental" messages or unexplained events.
When our loved ones pass over into spirit, they do not become angels.  Our loved ones certainly remain close and also contribute to our guidance and wisdom and protection, but "angel" is a very specific designation very different from newly passed over spirit.
Although we are most familiar with the guardian angel, there are approximately 9 different designations of angels.  These are classified by the amount of interaction that they have with mankind.  Think of these designations like a pyramid-the lower on the pyramid, the more interaction with individuals; the higher on the pyramid, the less interaction they have with individuals and the more they work with either mankind as a species, the planet, or with cosmic matters. 
So, if you haven't considered angels before, maybe now is a good time.  Invite angels into your life and ask for a deeper understanding and a more personal relationship with them.
In Love and Light-Always,

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