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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that Universe supports my growth and progress."

Good morning.  I have a lovely channeled message for this this morning from the Angels of the Brotherhood.
"The spirit of the Univese surrounds you at all times.  There is never a time when you are not surrounded and protected by the Divine Presence.  Never fret that you are not connected enough.  You are always connected. 

Further your cababilities by asking Universe to open your herart and mind and spirit to more of the Divine essence, and you will begin to see many things that you could not see before. 

Your understanding will increase, and you will be able to each higher realms of existence.  You will be able to discern the finer stands of energy and see where those strands lead.

You will be able to assist those who are in search of those higher strands

Universe counsels patience in this, for this takes time and practice.  We know you are very familiar with practice and patience.  And what you ask is right beyond you but not out of touch.  Just stretch out your hand and reach for it.

Visualize your arm reaching out and touching that which you perceive is out of reach.  When you touch that which is out of reach, it will no longer be out of reach but in the palm of your hand.
Go with love in  your heart for all and be blessed as you are in Universe.  Go forth and continue to do good works.  We love you and support your growth and process and your future.  And it [your future] is currently manifesting, but remember the nature of cause and effect and let the cycle roll out as it should.  Do not be afraid of the future.  Universe has many great blessings yet to bestow upon you.  Indeed it will be pleasing to heart and mind and spirit.  Be well and be well loved.


The Angels of the Brotherhood of Angels.

In Light and Love-Always,

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