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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, January 26, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will contemplate on ebb and flow and work toward being in concert with each."

The universal energy flows around all things and is ever-present.  Never doubt that flow exists.  This is nothing that you can see with your naked eye.  Rather it is something that you can feel if you still your heart and mind and let it fill you.
You are a part of this Universal flow.  You are one among so many things that flow and ebb.
For in all things there is flow and ebb and these are the cycles of all living things.
Become attuned, dear people to the ebb and flow of your own life.
Understand that that which was full needs to empty, will empty.  And that which is empty will be refilled.
If you can begin to understand this cycle, your will gain insight and wisdom.    Go with the flow and ebb with the ebb.
This is our message to you today.  Ebb and Flow.  Flow and Ebb.
Be well always and call on us at any time for assistance.
In the Light of the One True God, the Universal Source of All That Is.
The Angels of the Brotherhood.

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