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Friday, February 27, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I have a choice whether to succumb to others' control or to stand firm and weather the storm."

It's a horrible feeling when someone is mad at us.  Usually it is because we are not doing what they want us to do.  But do we succumb just to make them not mad at us anymore?  Or do we stick to our guns, so to speak, and tough it out?
I hate confrontation as much as anyone, it makes me uncomfortable, and I would rather avoid it than deal with it, but there are times that the confrontation is worth it because it is all about standing firm, communicating our perspective or our decision, and enduring the fallout--like not being spoken to for days, or being berated, or being criticized and judged.
All of these feels like someone is pressing down on the top of our heads and squeezing us from side to side, all because we don't do what they want, all because our perspective is different, all because we are not giving in to their control.
If what you are doing is right for you today, then DO IT.  They will eventually get over it. Look, you have two choices:  One-you can live the entirety of your life under the control of others and make no waves and everyone is happy except for you.  Two-you can wait out the storm that comes as a result of your making a decision that is thoroughly your own.  Your choice.
I surely will never judge you or criticize you for your decision, regardless of which way you choose.  Just try to follow your heart in all you do, develop as much awareness as you can, and live your life to the best of your ability.

In Love and Light-Always,

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