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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will own up to my flaws and make a commitment to conquering it."

Of course you are flawed.  We are all flawed.  To be human is to be flawed. 
Our flaws will never completely be eradicated, but we can recognize them, own them, and then work toward rectifying them. 
My greatest flaw has always been my volatile tongue, not thinking before I speak, and often just spewing my feelings, particularly anger, all over the place.  I remember, as a child, my mother would say things to me like, "One of these days, your mouth will get you in trouble," or "It's not what you said, it is how you said it," or "Watch your mouth."
Alas, my mother was right.  For years, I had no control.  I let it take me over, and sad to say, it never did work out well.  I can well recall embarrassing situations.
It took me many years to conquer this flaw in myself.  A good man said to me once said to me, "Always take the high road."  I consider this the very best advice that I have ever gotten.  It gave me a goal.  It gave me strength to overcome my tendency to just say whatever I was feeling. 
I began working on diplomacy, speaking my mind, but with calmness and clarity and in such a way that I could voice my views but without putting everyone (including myself) in terror.  This was not always easy, trust me.  I had many slips and falls, but each slip and fall reminded me of the necessity of conquering this damaging flaw.
I am happy to say that, although I still struggle once in a while, and even though I can get pretty fired up about certain issues, I have managed to keep my cool and communicate more effectively and less volatilely, more diplomatically.  And what I have seen happen as a result of this has been a greater listening audience.  People have more of a tendency to listen carefully to what I say instead of running away or becoming defensive.
This flaw of mine is something that I will always have to work on, always have to be vigilant with so  that I don't let it overtake me.
I tell you all of this because I want you to see that it is not impossible to overcome what you perceive to be your greatest drawback, your greatest flaw.  Don't let it continue to overcome you.  You conquer it.

In Love and Light-Always,

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