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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be patient and keep my faith strong."
Patience and Faith.
Although the spring calendar portends rapid growth, patience and restraint are still needed.  Monitor the progress of your plans, and be patient while growth takes place.
Remember, a plant only grows as it can, and rushing it or overreacting because it is not growing to the speed you would like it to does no good.  Allow what you have planted to grow naturally and do not resort to negative means to make it happen.
Have faith that all that you have sown and nurtured will, indeed, manifest.  Stand firm in our resolve to let the entire situation play out in the proper way, in the way that Universe sees fit to be of the greatest benefit to you.
Universe is on your side.  Universe blesses all the plans that you have made to manifest a better life for yourself.  So let Universe take the lead, and you follow. 
Resist frustration.  Just continue to nurture and monitor.  All will be well.  Be patient and keep your faith strong.
In Love and Light-Always,

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