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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin all of the preparation work in order bring my desires into manifestation."
Have you tilled your soil?  Have you planted your seeds?  Have you nurtured new growth? In short, have you done all the preparation you  need for growth and blossoming to occur?  This is an extremely fertile time in your personal calendar. 
It is  a time when all that you have visualized as your future begins to grow and blossom.  It is a time when all the hard work that you have put into manifesting your desires begins to bear fruit.
The next three months are of utter importance because it is a time when you begin the results of what you have planned and planted.  As the results begin to appear, continue to nurture them.  Follow through with appointments, phone calls, correspondence to ensure full bloom of your plans.
If you do this, you will see rapid growth.  Be ready to flow along with the progress of your plans.  Be ready to capitalize on what you have been manifesting.
If you have not done much work on your plans, now is the time to do the tilling, planting and nurturing.  Make a clear decision of exactly what you require to change your circumstances.  Then do the ground work to make it happen.  And it will.
Remember, the more involved your plan, the longer it will take to completely manifest, but manifest it will.
Don't miss this wonderful fertile time.  Get out there and get manifesting.
In Love and Light-Always,

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