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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will make a choice to either embrace the journey of self-discovery, or to continue to stand inertly at the fork in the road."
Seriousness. Sincerity.  Surrender.
The journey toward self unification requires seriousness, sincerity, and surrender.
We all are on a journey toward self-awareness.  The rate at which we progress rests in our own hands.  We, alone, must make a conscious choice of whether or not to continue moving forward, owning our one choices and decisions, conquering our own inner beasts, and making progress, or continuing to stand at the fork in the road, inert, immobile, and languish in our own self pity, stubbornness, and resentment.
You have a conscious choice to make.  Which way will you choose?  You have been given the greatest gift that Universe can give you:  Free Will.  You, alone, must choose what you will do:  move forward or continue to stand at the fork in the road.
Universe has provided you an important opportunity to regain your Self and reward you with Self-Knowledge and Wisdom.  Will you travel the path and accept the gifts of Universe?  Choose now.
Make a serious commitment to your Self, to your own self discovery.  Be sincere in your journey.  let go of the defense system  you have created for yourself that blocks out not only others, but Universe as well.  Sincerely, from the very core of your being, ask Universe to light the way and lead you along the lighted path.  Surrender to the will of Universe, trusting that Universe knows what is best for you and will provide all that you need to come through the difficult challenges that you may encounter along the road to your Self unifying with your Self.
It is timely that you choose.  Universe encourages you to be courageous, to let go of your resistance, and to walk the path with confidence.
So, how will you choose?  Will you walk the walk?  Or will you continue to stand inert, stagnant at the fork in the road?
In Love and Light-Always,

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