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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will welcome disruption as an opportunity for a positive change in perspective."
On our road to self discovery, it is natural that disruption occurs.  How else would we know that things are changing around us.  Disruption is often a breaking down of what we once perceived as our reality.  When our perceived reality shatters, we are forced to rethink that reality and to reform our perspective.
This new perspective is where we ought to be.  This new perspective offers us an opportunity to move forward unencumbered by that which was holding us back.  Sometimes the more we need to reform our perspective and refuse to do so, the more severe the disruption that occurs in our lives.
The two choices that are left to us are (1) adjust and adapt to the new perspective, (2) continue to hang on the outmoded and wither, for no growth can take place in unfertile soil.
With adapting, we ensure our evolution.  We ensure our own growth.  Our road to self discovery changes as we change.  It reforms as we reform.  It become clearer when we become clearer.
So, for today, welcome disruption as an opportunity for positive change. 
In Love and Light-Always,

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