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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will cultivate a more unified version of myself."

The most important relationship that we can cultivate is the relationship with ourselves.  We need to make ourselves a priority and work toward our own victory.  Yes, indeed, we do need to continue to care about others, but there comes a time when we can no longer afford to keep the focus on others exclusively and ignore ourselves.
Now is the time for personal rehauling.  Now is the time to sit back and do a quick personal inventory and ask ourselves what we need to do for ourselves to bring ourselves back into union with ourselves.
Reuniting with ourselves includes being in sync with our Higher Selves, with our inner knowing, with our intuition, with our core essence as a Divine Being. 
But how do we do this?  We need to go within, seek within,  We need to ask ourselves, "What do I need to become more complete?"  "What lessons do I need to master to move on from where I am?"  "How can I respond differently, more appropriately to those around me, and by doing so, regauge my reactions in a more positive way?"  Then, follow through on your own personal answers to these questions.
Bring ourselves back into line is not always an easy task.  Challenges crop up on our paths.  These challenges are intended to give us the practice that we need to overcome those reactions and behaviors that stunt us.  So, welcome them as opportunities.
Work on yourself, and watch yourself bloom.  Watch yourself grow into a more complete version of who you are right now.
In Love and Light-Always,

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