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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, October 30, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will closely monitor myself for the markers of EMPATHY."
Welcome back!  As you may recall, yesterday's entry dealt with EMPATHY, and provided the 5 most common markers of being an EMPATH.  Today's entry provides you with 5 additional markers.  Remember, the more markers you experience, the more likely it is that you are an EMPATH.
6-Clutter & Chaos Disturbs-You detest clutter, and disorganization makes you feel helpless, overwhelmed, and frustrated.  You have a need for order and organization.  Purging non-used items makes you feel better.  It helps you to lighten the load.  You may also feel better when reorganizing the closets, the garage, the kitchen cabinets, the drawers.  Doing this give you control and makes you feel better.  You also may be drawn to boxes, bins, baskets:  these are places to store things and create greater organization.
7-Search for Answers-You are always searching for the "why" of things.  Not having answers, even to simple questions, is frustrating.  You have a desire to know/understand "why" people do what they do, or "how" someone could do such a thing, or "what" has motivated someone to act in such a manner.  Having answers gives you a sense of safety and control.  You  may not agree with the answers, but you would rather have the answer than not have the answer.
8-Weight Gain-Inexplicably, you have put on some pounds, few or many.  This is either confusing, frustrating, or both.  You are not necessarily overeating, but the weight seems attracted to you.  You may have said things like "I just look at cake and put on five pounds."  This weight gain is the body's way of insulating you from the harsh outside world.  The extra weight also helps to ground you, keep you stable, and protect you.  The weight is like armor.  It stops the negativity of others from having full impact on you.
9-Dreaming and Daydreaming-You often escape into the world of dreams through sleep or daydreaming as a way of leaving behind the harsh realities of your situation.  This makes you feel better.  You may also have an imaginary "safe house"-a place in your imagination where you go when things become overwhelming.  (Mine is a big yellow house or a deserted beach on a sunny day).  Napping/sleeping may be attractive to you because it allows you time to escape into non-reality instead of dealing with reality.
10-Lack of Enjoyment=Lack of Motivation-You have a difficult time doing tasks that you hate, and you lack the motivation to get the task done.  The tasks you hate are those that you feel overwhelmed by.  You also may hate to participate and find little enjoyment in activities that make you feel like a hypocrite.  These activities run contrary to your belief system and being forced into participating, brings you anger and feelings of helplessness.  Additionally, because you dislike certain tasks or activities, others may label you antisocial, lazy, stubborn, idle.
Come back tomorrow for Empath Markers 11-15.
In Love and Light-Always,

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