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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"I am safe and protected from the all mental, emotional or spiritual attack from others."
Yesterday, I shared a breathing and grounding technique that is very successful and important for you keep yourself focused and steadfast.  The more you focus on yourself, on your own thoughts, on your own body, the less you will be open to those of others.
2-Suit of Armor:  Visualize yourself in a complete suit of armor made from a bright and shining metal.  Really focus on the details of the suit of armor.  The more closely detailed you can visualize it, the more effective it will be. Notice the head piece.  See the shield over your face.  You head is completely encased in this protective helmet. (Just for fun, give yourself a lovely feathered plume in the color(s) of your choice attached to the helmet.)
Now, visualize the breast and back plate, clean, shiny, smooth.  See your arms and hands and fingers completely and safely encased in the shiny metal  Look at the legs and feet, also completely protected in the bright and shiny metal. 
Next, visualize the bright sun gleaming on the bright metal and rading a strong and powerful light around you.  The sunlight is so bright that the glare radiates sever feet around your entire body.  This radiating light adds an extra layer of protection.
Finally, and this is optional, look at your predominant hand, if you are right handed, then your right hand, if you are left handed, then your left hand.  You are carrying a sword.  Focus on the details of sword.  Look at the blade, see how it gleams in the sun.  Look at the sharpness of the blade, so sharp it can slice through even the toughest attack. 
Now look at your opposite hand.  You are holding a shield.  Clearly visualize the shape.    See it clearly.  Notice how large it is, but despite its greatness, it is exceptionally light to hold.  In the middle of the shield, is an emblem, an image that represents strength and protection.  This shield can deflect any negativity, thought, feelings that my come in your direction.  It is another insurance against attack.  Now you are completely surrounded and protected from all dangers, negativity, and thoughts and feelings of others. 
As you progress through your day, keep the image of the suit of armor in mind.  it will remind you just how protected you are.
In Love and Light-Always,

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