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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, November 2, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I more confident in my sensitivities, and trust in myself."
And so we find ourselves at Empath Markers 21-25.  Not  all EMPATHS possess all thirty markers.  If you have experienced at least ten, then there is a very good chance that you are an EMPATH.  Once this series of blog entries on Empath Markers is complete, I will provide you with information on how you can help yourself to block out some of the thoughts and feelings that may bombard you.  Please return for this vital information.
Empath Markers 21-25
21-Avoiding Mass Media-Because you have such a high sensitivity to the suffering of others, you may be overly affected by what you see on television, movies, and in newspapers, particularly shows/stories that contain violence, cruelty, or tragedy, especially if it is directed toward those who cannot defend themselves such as children, animals, and women.  It is not a surprise then that you may be avoiding television and movies all together.
22-Love of Nature & Animals-You feel a strong connection to the outdoors.  The outdoors, being in a natural environment rejuvenates you and gives you peace and serenity.  You may be fond of activities like walking on the beach or in the woods, spending time by the seaside, in the mountains, or in the forest.  These environments bring you back to you center and help to cleanse the negativity from your system.  In regard to animals, you may feel a very close connection to all wildlife and may be one of those individuals who love having pets close to you.  You and your pet(s) understand each other perfectly, and your pet(s) bring you the unconditional love and peace that you  need to thrive.
23-Truth-You have a deep seated need to know and seek the truth.  You are a seeker of knowledge and information to support what you know is true and will support what you know it true.  You also have a strong desire to see the truth revealed and justice done.  As a result, you may sometimes be targeted because those who are not honest, truthful, or just want to silence your voice.  There may be times that you put yourself at risk for the sake of seeing justice done.
24-Strong Attraction to the Metaphysical-Because you are a seeker of knowledge, you  may be attracted to the different facets of metaphysics. You may seek to develop a deeper spiritually and a  stronger connection to your Higher Power.  You may also seek instruction on healing others such as Reiki or acupuncture or aromatherapy or holistic remedies. Other areas that may draw your attention are astrology, divination (reading cards, stones, etc. as a means of discovering information about yourself or for others), meditation, discovering/understanding your past lives, crystal or stone work.  you may always be seeking for the next higher principle or skill.
25-Sensing the seasons-You may be one of those empaths that can, regardless of the media hype of the oncoming season, sense the "change in the air" that signals the turn of seasons.  You may experience a heighten sense of excitement, feel invigorated, feel a sense of loss.  Although the change of the season may not yet be visible, you can tell that the change is coming. 
So, are you becoming more convinced that you are an empathy?  If you are still not so sure, then return for tomorrow's next segment of markers 26-30.
Peace be with you.
In Love and Light-Always,

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