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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, November 6, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I understand that as an EMPATH, I need to protect myself from the thoughts and feelings of others."
Being empathic is never easy.  We become subject to all of the stimuli around us and particularly from the thought and feelings of others.  Some days it takes hold of us and just strangles us or overwhelms us.  There is hope, however.  There are protective measures that we can take to safeguard ourselves from the brunt of the attack of stimuli.
Here are a few suggestions to help protect yourself and to deflect some of what comes at you.  If you are a good visualizer, these techniques may come easy to you; however, if you are not a good visualizer, working with these techniques will help to strengthen your visualization capabilities and the more you visualize, the better at it you will become and the safer you will be.
For the next few days, I will share a few protecting techniques.  So be sure to keep visiting to get a variety. Even if you are not empathic, but feel overwhelmed, scattered, or feel as if you are being attacked mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you can use these effective techniques.
Beginning:  for each of the techniques you learn begin in this way.  Close your eyes, put your feet flat on the floor, breathe deeply-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Relax.  Do this several times until you feel the tension leaving your body and your thought process slows down.
1-Grounding:  Once you feel relaxed and focused, visualize yourself standing on the planet and feel the pulse of the earth under your feet and radiating up through your body.  Let the powerful energy of the earth which is green, rise up through the bottom of your feet and travel through your entire body.  let the green light fill you completely and then let a beam of light travel out of the top of your head and up into the sky and connect with the sun. 
Let the warm and light of the sun shine down upon you,.  Let the sunlight enter the top of your head and travel through your body.  Let it completely fill you and flow out the bottom of your feet and deep into the earth's core  let these powerful energies completely flow through you-the green coming up and sunlight, white light, flowing down.  Mix them together, fuse them.  By doing this, it increases their energy and the mixed energy will keep you firmly anchored to the earth and connected to the healing power of the sun.
Do this every day.  Morning is best as it will set you on a safe and focused path.  Anytime during the day, when you are feeling scattered or overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe and repeat the exercise.
Please return tomorrow for more techniques and strategies for keeping yourself grounded and safe. 
In Love and Light-Always,

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