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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider other behaviors that may indicate that I am an EMPATH."
Glad to have you back!  This series of entries deals specifically with EMPATY.  Thus far, we have gone through half the list of 30 EMPATH markers.
These markers indicate the common characteristics that EMPATHS possess.  If at least 10 of the markers describe you, then the chances that possess empathic abilities.
Empath Markers 16-20
16-Boredom & Distraction-You tire easily of monotonous activities and require a high level of stimulation and interest in order to keep from getting distracted.  This distraction often leads to daydreaming or to bouncing from one activity to another.  If you have to sit for long periods of time, for example, at a meeting, in school, in church, at a lecture, then the chances are that you become very antsy and have to get up and move around.  Additionally, you may end up just doodling on your paper.
17-Listener-People are generally drawn to you because you are an active listener and will listen to what they have to say, especially if they have a troubling problem or issue.
18-Moody or Detached-Because it is so easy to become overwhelmed by his/her own feelings and issues as well as those of others, you may find it necessary to completely shut down and block out all, including your own, distractions.  You may become quiet and detached, and as a result, some people may call you moody or aloof.  You may also swing easily from one mood to another mood at a moment's notice.  This is because of the bombardment of outside stimuli.  Also, you may experience intensified emotions-when you are down, you feel really down.  When you are happy, you are really happy.  When you are frustrated, you feel really frustrated.
19-Addictive Personality-In order to block out your intense feelings and the feelings of others, you may turn to behavior that is addictive.  This is an attempt to protect yourself from so much stimuli.  Beware of alcohol and drugs, for these are most debilitating.  Almost any excessive activity/behavior can be addictive, so be careful and be  cognizant of what you turn to as a method of distraction and protection.  As for me, I throw myself into crafting; I just get myself into a frenzy, and focus so intently on the craft to the exclusion of all else. 
20-Avoid pre-owned items-You may not want pre-owned items in your home.  You may avoid antique shops, thrift shops, and vintage shops.  The energy that emanates from these pre-owned things affects you and makes you uncomfortable.  As for myself, I do enjoy antiquing, but have to be very selective of where I go, and only purchase certain kinds of items.  Others freak me out. 
So, dear friends, consider these traits and see if any of them ring true for you.  See you tomorrow with markers 21-25.
Be blessed, always.
In Love and Light-Always,

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