NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace the change in my life."

The time is now to consciously embrace your journey toward transformation.  No is the time to shed the clutter from your life and make way for the universe to mightily intervene and bring positive change.  Change that will bless you with prosperity and self knowledge.
If you cannot let go of that which is blocking your path, then Universe can force itself on you, nor will it.  You need to be a willing participant in change.  For your journey is your journey and you are responsible for it.
You must claim your birthright as a Divine Being and embrace the Light within you.
In this way, Universe can rush in and bring those dreams to life for a better future.  Not only a human future, but a Divine future, thus bringing you closer to your true destiny with is reunion with the Divine. 
You have lived so many lifetimes so that y can learn the lessons of the human experience and eventually reunite with the Divine source from ;which you came.  Some of you may only five again in human form for a short time, but others have a long way to go.  For they are slow to learn lessons and embrace the Divinity within.
Recognize that you are made from Light, pure and loving light .  The Divine essence of the Universal Source of all that it.
Flesh and blood allows you the opportunity to learn love, compassion, sympathy, and through struggle you learn courage and bravery and steadfastness  Struggle is not intended to bring pain, but learning pain brings also its lessons.  lessons in letting go and lessons in self-sufficiency and in compassion and strength.
It allows you the opportunity to reach out the Divine Source from which your cam and draw your strength and energy.  and to heighten your awareness and  expand your consciousness.
Man is but an infant in the continuum of time.  For he has existed far less long than the Divine which has always existed.
Rely on the Divine help that Universe offers.  Turn to Universe in times of duress, and Universe will show you the way.  Reclaim your Divinity by reuniting with your true essence.
This I;s the message that we bring you today.  For great change in in your path this year, and you must be prepared for it.  Don't fight the change, flow with it.  For it is Universe's desire that you grow and find your true calling and receive Universal prosperity.
There is little time between now and the time of transformation.  So use your time wisely,  Learn as much as you can.  And await the will of Heaven.  For Heaven is generous and loving and blessed.  And you truly deserve All that Universe has in store for you.
So walk you path with consciousness and in the Light.  Never stray from the Light, for in doing this, the path becomes longer and the lessons more difficult.  Rely on what you know is true and you will always be in the light.

Many blessings now and Always.

The Angels of the Brotherhood.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will walk the path of transformation."

Transformation never comes without cost.  That cost is all of the experiences that we have on our human journey.  These experiences are intended to teach us about ourselves, and thus transform us from what we were to what we are to what we can become.

When you look back on some of your experiences, I am sure that you are not necessarily glad those experiences happened, but you are grateful for the wisdom they provided.  When you look back at who you were before the experience and compare that to who you are now, I would be willing to bet that who you are now is a wiser, more enlightened person--transformed.

Review what lessons you have learned.  Consider the path you are on.  Use the information from your experiences to move you along on the path and into transformation.

Never stop working toward evolving into a person far better than who you are right now.  Embrace the quest for transformation.

In Light and Love-Always,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today,  I am transforming."

Transformation is right around the corner.  Universe has supported and encouraged our transformation always. 

Spirit, like all things is in flux.  It is never stagnant.  And so, as we progress, we also transform.  Ultimately, the goal is to transform our spirits so that we can live a more peaceful and balanced and harmonious life.  So we can live in enlightenment. 

The more enlightened one becomes, thee more progress is possible.  progress is always possible, for even slow progress is far better than no progress at all.  But as the spirit transforms itself into a greater enlightened being, the more progress is possible, and the more enlightenment is gained.

For the gaining of wisdom  ever stops.  There is far too much to learn and know for enlightenment to stop.

So, go our way today and know that you are in the process of transformation.    Remind yourself of the state of the caterpillar and butterfly.  It's all a process.

In Light and Love-Always,

Monday, January 26, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will contemplate on ebb and flow and work toward being in concert with each."

The universal energy flows around all things and is ever-present.  Never doubt that flow exists.  This is nothing that you can see with your naked eye.  Rather it is something that you can feel if you still your heart and mind and let it fill you.
You are a part of this Universal flow.  You are one among so many things that flow and ebb.
For in all things there is flow and ebb and these are the cycles of all living things.
Become attuned, dear people to the ebb and flow of your own life.
Understand that that which was full needs to empty, will empty.  And that which is empty will be refilled.
If you can begin to understand this cycle, your will gain insight and wisdom.    Go with the flow and ebb with the ebb.
This is our message to you today.  Ebb and Flow.  Flow and Ebb.
Be well always and call on us at any time for assistance.
In the Light of the One True God, the Universal Source of All That Is.
The Angels of the Brotherhood.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that Universe supports my growth and progress."

Good morning.  I have a lovely channeled message for this this morning from the Angels of the Brotherhood.
"The spirit of the Univese surrounds you at all times.  There is never a time when you are not surrounded and protected by the Divine Presence.  Never fret that you are not connected enough.  You are always connected. 

Further your cababilities by asking Universe to open your herart and mind and spirit to more of the Divine essence, and you will begin to see many things that you could not see before. 

Your understanding will increase, and you will be able to each higher realms of existence.  You will be able to discern the finer stands of energy and see where those strands lead.

You will be able to assist those who are in search of those higher strands

Universe counsels patience in this, for this takes time and practice.  We know you are very familiar with practice and patience.  And what you ask is right beyond you but not out of touch.  Just stretch out your hand and reach for it.

Visualize your arm reaching out and touching that which you perceive is out of reach.  When you touch that which is out of reach, it will no longer be out of reach but in the palm of your hand.
Go with love in  your heart for all and be blessed as you are in Universe.  Go forth and continue to do good works.  We love you and support your growth and process and your future.  And it [your future] is currently manifesting, but remember the nature of cause and effect and let the cycle roll out as it should.  Do not be afraid of the future.  Universe has many great blessings yet to bestow upon you.  Indeed it will be pleasing to heart and mind and spirit.  Be well and be well loved.


The Angels of the Brotherhood of Angels.

In Light and Love-Always,

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin to more closely listen to, trust, and follow my intuition."
When you review your last two years, you may notice that they have been two years of letting go, clearing out, and of insights, illuminations, and awakenings.
Yes, you are absolutely on the right track.  This is what Universe has intended for you.  The consciousness on the planet is rising, improving, and you are a part of it. 
Now is the time to further explore and advance your knowledge and wisdom and skill.  Now is the time to turn inward to your intuition and listen more closely to it and follow it. 
Trust what your intuition is telling.  The intuition is the Universe's primary mode of communication with us.  It is that small knowing, that small voice that speaks to us, that hits us in the solar plexus or bursts like a flash of light behind our eyes.
The more you rely on this Universal form of communication, the more attuned you will become to it, and thus, the more it will be developed.  Think of your intuition as a muscle.  The more a muscle is exercised, the stronger and more well defined it becomes.
So, for today, make a commitment to listen to and follow your intuition.  If you are need of a guide or teacher to help you further develop your intuition or to explore your areas of interest, then ask the Universe and one will come to you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, January 23, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be the river flowing gently around the rock and not the rock that obstructs the flow of the river."

Sometimes it is necessary for us to take a stand and advocate for those principles in which we believe, but other times it is equally necessary for us to retreat into the background and let Universe do its job.

It may be time to ask the Universe what it has planned for you and the best of action you should take in the meantime.  Like a little voice popping into your head at the most unlikely moment, Universe will reveal its purpose.

By having even just a little bit of information, we can better choose our own course of action-continue to fight or to submit.  We can either be the rock that obstructs the flow of the river, or we can be the river flowing gently around the rock.

Think about it.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will stop all self-criticism and self-condemnation and become who I want to be."

We are all far too critical of ourselves.  We deem ourselves unworthy.  We compare ourselves to others and then condemn ourselves because we feel we feel others have or do what we don't have or can't/don't do.

STOP this right now.

Stop the self-condemnation ad self-criticism. Stop comparing yourself and your life to others.

Readjust your focus on yourself only and wok toward what is important to you.  Accept yourself for what you are.  If there are elements of yourself or our life with which you are unsatisfied, work toward changing them.

Accept a complement for a change instead of denying yourself the praise.

Shake off those old habits like a dusty overcoat and begin changing your thinking about yourself.

If you don't do it, who will?  You deserve a life without the gallows standing in the background.

free yourself right now by making a promise to yourself that you will STOP self-criticism and self-condemnation and comparison to others.  Just do you.  Be you.  And if you are not sure of who you are, then begin your journey of discovery today.  Don't wait.  Do it now because there is a wonderful person inside of you dying to get out and enjoy the world.  Give yourself permission to come out of yourself and start living a free and satisfying life.

In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin bringing peace and serenity into my life."
Strive for peace in your life.  Work toward removing those influences that are a blockage to peace.  I'm talking about old issues that are unresolved, old relationships that you have been hanging onto because you are afraid to let go.    The more you let go, the greater the sense of peace you will have because your heart and mind will no longer be occupied with thinking about them.
If you have a deep hearted desire to let go and to bring greater peace into your life, put it out to the Universe.  Ask the Universe to help you let go in a peaceful way.  Ask Universe to fill your heart and mind and sprit and life with peace and with serenity.
Ask Universe to show you he way to peace and then follow the road Universe shows you.  I you ask, Universe will show you the way.  Universe will provide what you need to reach a place of peace in your life.
So, for today, focus on peace.  Ask for peace.  Invite peace into your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will continue to look for knowledge and wisdom from whatever source provides it."

When I first started this blog almost two years ago, I never imaged where it would go or whether or not anyone would read it.  Well, two days ago, I published my 200th entry.  There have been about 5,000 hits, meaning that people, people I don't even know, have never met, people across the world have found this blog and have read it.
It is an amazing thing to me to share the knowledge and wisdom that I have gained in hopes that will enlighten others and give others the answers they seek.  It is amazing to me that someone out there, in a country I have never visited, in a culture with which I am unfamiliar, is reading what I write and considering what I say.  Perhaps this someone is you.
So, thank you, thank you so much for visiting this site, and perhaps, continuing to visit site.  I hope that it continues to enlighten and inspire you.
Many blessings to you.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider the existence of angels and their presence in my life."
Here is a little true/false quiz for you today.
1-I believe in the existence of angels.
2-I have never really angels much thought or consideration before.
3-I have seen examples in my life of unexplained happenings or coincidences.
4-When our loved ones pass over, they become angels.
5-All angels are guardian angels.
Whether or not you believe in angels, angels exist.  They are celestial beings created out of the unconditional love of the Universal Source of All That Is to assist, guide, and protect mankind. 
Angels are at work in our lives all the time.  Our guardian angels look over us and protect us every day.  They step in to minimize the damage that could occur if they were not there.  Haven't you ever said to yourself, "It could have been so much worse?" 
Guardian angels are subtle and work through a variety of means.  They can work through other people or through events.  They can communicate their messages through dreams or through music or a scene on television or in a magazine.  There is no end to the way that they can communicate with us.  So, keep your eyes open for these "coincidental" messages or unexplained events.
When our loved ones pass over into spirit, they do not become angels.  Our loved ones certainly remain close and also contribute to our guidance and wisdom and protection, but "angel" is a very specific designation very different from newly passed over spirit.
Although we are most familiar with the guardian angel, there are approximately 9 different designations of angels.  These are classified by the amount of interaction that they have with mankind.  Think of these designations like a pyramid-the lower on the pyramid, the more interaction with individuals; the higher on the pyramid, the less interaction they have with individuals and the more they work with either mankind as a species, the planet, or with cosmic matters. 
So, if you haven't considered angels before, maybe now is a good time.  Invite angels into your life and ask for a deeper understanding and a more personal relationship with them.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will make a commitment to unclutter my life and begin manifesting and living the life I want."

Forget your resolutions and make commitments.  Make a list of those things that have been left undone, those things that are hanging over your head from last year, and commit to tying up the loose ends and finally putting them to rest (like that speeding ticket that you haven't paid yet or that phone call you've put off because you are dreading it).

In this way, you unclutter your life and your mind, gain a personal feeling of satisfaction for having finished the task, and can move on to more important things, like living in the present and creating the life you want to live.

I am going to share with you the life I want to live, and I would like your help to bring it into manifestation.  Think about it, and ask Universe to help me make it happen.

I visualize a spiritual enlightenment center called The Spirit Seeds Center for Enlightenment in north central Florida.  I see a big, yellow with white trim, Victorian style home with a wrap around porch filled with wicker chair and tables where visitors can sit and just enjoy the peace, and maybe a tall glass of lemonade or iced tea.

The bottom floor of the house is a lovely shop where visitors can purchase books, music, candles, crystals, and other assorted items.  And upstairs are the offices, mine in particular.

The kitchen is where we can prepare home made beverages and muffins to share with our visitors-for free.

We will feature local artists, and the artists can leave their creations with us on consignment for our visitors to purchase.

On the grounds, to the right of the house, there will be a big circular fountain surrounded by stone walkways and gardens with benches so visitors can sit and just be at peace.

Behind the fountain area is  very large platform with a pergola where visitors can come and do a guided meditation or take a yoga class by a licensed instructor.  Behind all of this, there are woods where we have forged paths and placed benches for visitors to sit and simply enjoy the nature around them (very Walt Whitman).

We will offer, free of charge, programs for disabled children and for the elderly.  Programs like potting small plants that visitor can take home, or like doing simple crafts, perhaps simple yoga moves that are easy for those who are disabled.  Simple food preparation, like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with home made (on premises) peanut butter and fruit preserves and home made bread.  And then each of our visitors can take home a small jar of each and a lovely roll to enjoy later. 

Perhaps a pet program where the children and elderly can interact with dogs and cats.   Or  a reading or story time.

There is so much I want to do, the possibilities are endless.  I have been working on manifesting this for several years, and it would help me if you could put this out to the Universe and help me to bring it into full manifestation.

Thank you, dear friends, thank you.

In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, January 9, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today is a new day, and I will step into it with confidence and claim it as my own."

Each day is a new day.  Each day we get to start all over again with a blank slate.  Each day is a day filled with possibilities.  Each day awaits for you to step into it and claim it as your own, to make of it, whatever you desire.

Don't let outside influences rule your day.  You rule your day.  It is for you to govern how you will respond and react and navigate through the events that arise.  It is for you to make it what you want it to be.

You can either let it take you on a roller coaster ride, OR you can tame it, remain calm, rely on Universe for assistance, breathe deeply, and remind  yourself that you are in control, not of outside events necessarily, but in HOW you respond to them.

So, dear friends, plant your feet firmly on the earth, breathe deeply and pull in all of you lost or scattered energy, keep your head up and eyes forward, and step out with both feet into your new day filled with unlimited possibilities.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remind myself that darkness is temporary, and it is the Light that endures."

Darkness is temporary.  Light endures.

Each of us has times when the darkness descends and we find ourselves feeling alone, mired in the muck, feeling hopeless or overwhelmed.  These are the most crucial times to reach out to the Universe for Divine assistance and support.

Universe always hers us.  Universe always supports and assists us.  Our pleas are never not answered. 

During these times, and we all have them, are time of challenge and growth, and once the light reappears, we can look back and see the wisdom we have gained from that dark time. In fact, what we have gained in wisdom and insight will far outweigh the darkness that had descended upon us. 

You may ask, "but why?  Why did I have to experience this?  Why me?"  The very simple answer, simpler than we want it to be, is that this was a time of great learning, a time of progress, of enlightenment.

Open your heart to what Universe has to teach you.  Perhaps you are not happy to have gone through the darkness, but surely, you will be grateful for the wisdom that it has brought.

And always, always, remember:  The darkness is temporary.  It is the Light that endures.

In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, January 5, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"I trust Universe to provide exactly what I need and to fulfill my heart's deepest desires."

Open your heart and let in Universe.  Universe knows your deepest desires, those things that are most important to you.  Universe knows what you need more than you do yourself.  Give Universe the opportunity to give freely to you. 

All you have to do is say:

"I freely give Universe permission to give me my heart's desire, that which is best for me and will benefit me and my family on all levels.  I accept all of Universe's gifts without limitations and with a glad and thankful heart."

Keep saying this every day.  Send this message out from your heart.  Before you know it, things will begin to happen that will amaze you.  Accept them.  This is Universe working for your highest good.

Remember the three year cycle I wrote about a few days ago?  Well, this year, 2015, is the year of great manifestation.  Maybe I will call it "The Year of Great Manifestation."  This is the year that you have worked toward for the last two years.  This is the year that you will see the fruits of your labor, the results of your hard work, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.

Be ready.  Let Universe do its work for you and bless you this year!

In Love and Light-Always,

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will ask the Universe to fulfill my needs, and I will gladly receive its gifts."

Universe is so willing and so ready to fulfill our needs and our desires, yet we continually deny the Universe the opportunity to give to us by limiting what we think we deserve.  We are so ready to settle for less than we deserve. 

And we deserve because we are beings created from Divinity, and thus, deserve all the help we can get from the Source from which we came.

So, don't NOT ask because you think you don't deserve; ask, and be willing to receive the gifts when Universe sends them to you.

If there is something that you really, really need, like a new car because yours is finally beginning to give out, then ask Univerrse to provide you with one.  Write down, on a sheet of paper, exactly what you need, for example, air conditioning, four doors, good working order, a price under a certain amount; you get the point.  The more specific you are with your requests, the more Universe can provide eactly what you need.

Universe wants us to be happy.  Universe wants us to be successful.  Universe wants us to have every advantage for navigating through our human lives.  So if we need, then we should ask.

Never be afraid to ask Universe to supply your needs.  Never think you are undeserving.  Universe is Unconditional Love, and it is because of that supreme love for us that Universe provides for us.

Think of it this way, if you have children, and they were in need, if they had a severe lack of resources, wouldn't you want to do whatever you could to help them?  What would motivate you to do such a thing?  LOVE.

So dear friends, for today, allow Universe to bless you and fulfill your needs.

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be ready to receive the complete blessings of the Universe."

We all get distracted from our main goal.  Sometimes we are required to detour, to take a break, to gain experience before we can move one.  Sometimes we need to leave it for awhile, so that when we come back to it, we are renewed in our dedication to it.

Evaluate whether or not you have detoured from that which you truly want to manifest in your life.

Pick up the thread and begin the journey anew.  Recommit to the goal, and work at it with vigor. 

Universe speaks:

That which you want is ready to manifest for you in peaceful ways.  Be ready to receive it by letting go of the clutter in your life.  Universe has many blessings, but you must be willing to give p those things and ideas that have filled up but do not satisfy you. 

Your soul is longing for something better, and Universe knows what it is, as you do.  For you have put much thought and work into manifesting it.

Now the time is ripe to open the gate and let the blessings of Universe enter your life.

You will be surprised at the wonderful gifts Universe has for you, better than you could have imagined for yourself.

Universe has big plans for you, so be ready to move out of your comfort zone and out of a mundane life and be ready to move ahead unafraid.  The time is ripe to move forward with your life.  And Universe supports all the preparation that you have done and is.

Open you heart and mind and spirit.  Little by little you will see the fruits of your labor.  You will be able to finish the projects that  you have started and these will bring you great reward, both in self satisfaction as well as in financial reward. 

Universe will pour blessings, more that you have thought, into your life and the lives of your loved one.

So dear brothers and sisters, be well and be ready for the showering of blessings.

In the name of all that is good and true and pure, in the name of the One. of All That Is


In Love and Light-Always,

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will continue to tie up loose ends and manifest the future of my choice."

2015 is the final year in a three year cycle.  2013, the first year, was a year of scaling back of letting go of the superfluous-that which is certainly unnecessary.  2014, the second year, was a year of tying up loose ends from the previous year and beginning to manifest a more beneficial future.  This year, 2015, is the year to make those manifestations manifest.

So if you have any loose ends, like outstanding bills, home repairs, unresolved issues or relationships, this is the year to settle them.  This way you can look to your future with nothing holding you back.

It is also a good time for self reflection.  Look back.  See where you have been and determine where you want to go.  Create a road map for yourself, and then follow it.  There is a wonderful line in the very first Harry Potter film where Hagrid says to Harry, "Stick to your ticket, Harry."

In a wider sense, what he means is once you have a determined destination, do all you can to get there.  Keep you eyes on the prize, as they say (whoever "they" are).  The more focused you are on the final destination, the less you will be sidetracked, and the more quickly your destination will manifest.

By the time we reach 2016, all systems should be go and the road will be clear enough for you to move right on into all that you have worked toward.

If you missed out on the opportunities afforded you in 2013 and 2014, don't despair, you may have to work a little harder to catch up, but you can still set yourself up for prosperity and success in the coming year.

In Love and Light-Always,